Page 9 - AsiaElec Week 12 2023
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AsiaElec WIND AsiaElec
China drives global wind
turbine orders to new record
Orders were up 30% year on year, 90% in the fourth quarter alone
GLOBAL wind turbine order intake hit new highs its soaring numbers have somewhat masked a
in 2022, with 44 GW procured in the fourth quar- slowdown from Western original equipment
ter and 134.6 GW for the year. manufacturers (OEMs), which have been
Both of these order intakes were records, says a impacted by supply chain challenges and cost
new analysis by Wood Mackenzie. increases. This has negatively impacted both new
Dominated by activity in China, annual order intake and installation activity outside of
invwestment reached an estimated $, China,” said Luke Lewandowski, Wood Macken-
according to the analysis. zie research director.
Overall, order intake increased 90% year on North America order intake was relatively flat
year in the fourth quarter, and 30% y/y for the fis- y/y, up 7%, but the future pipeline looks strong,
cal year, with China accounting for 65% of order said Wood Mackenzie.
capacity in the fourth quarter and 70% of all order President Joe Biden signed the Inflation
capacity in 2022. Reduction Act, which includes strong wind
This activity was driven by developers incentives, into law in August 2022.
positioning to comply with China’s 14th “We are already seeing the positive reaction
5-year plan, which highlights green energy to the Inflation Reduction Act, with second half
development. of the year orders up 224% over the first half of
While China made an outsized impact on the year in the US,” said Lewandowski.
global order capacity, order intake beyond Offshore wind hit new records as well in 2022,
China dropped 15% y/y to 41 GW, around 9 reaching 19 GW of order intake. As much as 80%
GW off the four-year average for full-year of the activity was from China.
order capacity from 2018 to 2021, said the Chinese OEMs Envision, Mingyang and
analysis. Goldwind led the rankings for order intakes in
“We’ve seen incredible activity in China, but 2022, with more than 17 GW each.
Week 12 22 •March•2023 www. NEWSBASE .com P9