Page 4 - FSUOGM Week 29 2021
P. 4

FSUOGM                                        COMMENTARY                                            FSUOGM

       Novatek sets up carbon-

       cutting team

       The committee will review Novatek’s business operations and make recommendations

       on the company’s strategy on climate and decarbonisation issues

        RUSSIA           RUSSIA’S Novatek has put together a team  Harnessing the wind and the underground
                         of its directors to look at ways of tackling its  Among Novatek’s plan is a scheme to generate
       WHAT:             greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, even while  wind power on the Yamal Peninsula, where its
       Novatek has created   it pursues a rapid expansion in its liquefaction  Yamal LNG facility is located. Average wind
       a sub-committee on   capacity.                         speeds there are estimated to be as high as
       climate and alternative   Novatek like other Russian oil and gas com-  around seven metres per second, thanks to the
       energy.           panies is paying closer attention to its environ-  lack of trees.
                         mental social and governance (ESG) score than   Kommersant reported in June that Novatek
       WHY:              ever before, amid increased climate conscious-  was looking to establish a 200-MW wind farm
       The company is paying   ness among investors. Besides setting 2030 tar-  on the peninsula, at a cost of RUBA12-14bn
       closer attention to its ESG   gets for reducing its emissions, the company is  ($166-194mn). Danish developer Vestas is
       score than ever before.  drawing up plans for a number of green projects,  tipped as the most likely company to win the
                         ranging from wind farms on Yamal to hydro-  construction contract. It is estimated that the
       WHAT NEXT:        gen-fired power turbines to carbon capture and  facility would reduce Yamal LNG’s CO2 emis-
       Novatek has plans for   storage (CCS).                 sions by 240,000-260,000 tonnes per year (tpy).
       a range of low-carbon   Novatek’s directors approved last week the   Novatek also recently proposed reconfigur-
       technologies in the   creation of a special six-member steering com-  ing its Obsk LNG plant to produce clean hydro-
       Russian Arctic, including   mittee on climate and alternative energy. The  gen, methanol and ammonia from natural gas.
       wind power, hydrogen   committee includes several Novatek directors  The hydrogen could then be used as a power
       fuel use, ammonia and   and is chaired by Dominique Marion, an inde-  source for its facilities, while the methanol and
       methanol production   pendent director with a background in geology  ammonia could be shipped overseas. No final
       and carbon capture and   that currently works as vice-president of France’s  investment decision (FID) has been taken on
       storage.          TotalEnergies, one of Novatek’s shareholders.  this plan, though, and NewsBase understands
                           The committee will review Novatek’s business  that Obsk LNG might still produce LNG as well,
                         operations and make recommendations on the  though in smaller quantities.
                         company’s strategy on climate and decarbon-  In order to make these fuels from gas cleanly,
                         isation issues, including the use of renewable  though, CCS must be available. Novatek has
                         energy sources and the potential for producing  undertaken studies over the past year on suit-
                         low-carbon fuels such as hydrogen.   able locations for CCS in Russia’s far north,
                                                              but impeding progress is the fact that Russia’s

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