Page 8 - FSUOGM Week 29 2021
P. 8

FSUOGM                                        COMMENTARY                                            FSUOGM

       Germany loses OPAL appeal

       The loss will have implications for flow rates via the Nord Stream pipeline for years to come

        GERMANY          GERMANY has lost an appeal to overturn a  strengthens our position in this matter.”
                         ruling that limits Gazprom’s access to the OPAL   Russia’s Gazprom Export, though not
       WHAT:             pipeline, which in turn restricts how much gas  involved in the case, said it regretted the latest
       Germany has failed to get   the Russian company can flow via the Nord  ruling.
       a court-mandated limit   Stream 1 pipeline.              “We are disappointed by the creation of artifi-
       on Gazprom's use of the   The EU Court of Justice (ECJ) in September 2019  cial barriers for an effective usage of investments
       OPAL pipeline overturned.  quashed a ruling by the European Commission  into the European gas system,” Gazprom Export
                         in 2016 that granted Gazprom expanded use of  said.
       WHY:              the pipeline, which with a capacity of 36bn cubic   OPAL Gastransport, which operates the
       The loss means Nord   metres per year plays a vital role in distributing  pipeline, also expressed regret, saying “a deci-
       Stream will continue to   gas from Gazprom’s Nord Stream across Ger-  sion on the matter whether Poland was actually
       flow at below capacity.  many and to other Central European states. The  damaged by the full use of the OPAL by various
                         EC had earlier imposed a 50% cap to prevent the  shippers was expressly not made.”
       WHAT NEXT:        Russian exporter from dominating regional sup-
       US president Biden   ply, in line with EU energy principles. In practice  Nord Stream 2
       and German chancellor   this meant that OPAL was left half empty.  Poland, Ukraine and other countries aligned
       Merkel are expected to   The ECJ’s verdict in 2019 reimposed this cap,  against Russia politically will seek to have the
       reach a consensus on   and Germany has now failed to get the decision  same EU rules on third-party access that were
       Nord Stream 2 in the near   overturned. Instead it sided with Poland, which  applied at OPAL extended to Nord Stream 2 as
       future.           brought up the case after losing some transit  well. EU law states that the rules should apply
                         volumes and tariff incomes as a result of Nord  to pipelines coming to and from third countries,
                         Stream 2’s launch in 2011.           unless the affected country, in this case Germany,
                           By allowing Gazprom to use more of the  decides to grant an exemption. German regu-
                         pipeline’s capacity, the EC acted contrary to the  lator Bundesnetzagentur rejected Gazprom’s
                         principle of energy solidarity and did not take  application for an exemption in May last year,
                         into account the interests of all member states  but Berlin could still overrule that decision.
                         concerned, the ECJ said. Poland’s state-owned   The expectation is that Germany’s govern-
                         gas company PGNiG, which was a party to the  ment, a strong supporter of Nord Stream 2, will
                         case, also said the verdict might have implica-  seek consensus first with Washington, which has
                         tions for Russia’s near-complete Nord Stream 2  long opposed the project. This consensus is likely
                         pipeline.                            to involve assurances from Russia that it will con-
                           “The principle of energy solidarity is funda-  tinue transiting gas via Ukraine, continuing to
                         mental and EU institutions are obliged to apply  pay Kyiv billions of dollars in revenues. US Pres-
                         it when making decisions on energy matters,”  ident Joe Biden met with German Chancellor
                         PGNiG CEO Pawel Majewski commented in  Angela Merkel to discuss the issue last week.
                         a statement. “The ECJ judgment significantly   “While I reiterated my concerns about Nord

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