Page 10 - FSUOGM Week 29 2021
P. 10

FSUOGM                                 PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                        FSUOGM

       Gazprom reports record gas gains

       in Europe, China

        RUSSIA           RUSSIAN energy giant Gazprom posted another  China last year (excluding European trading
                         record in non-FSU European exports by mid-  activities), BCS GM estimates Gazprom will
       The post-coronavirus   July, achieving 107.5bn cubic metres versus 108.9  gross closer to $45bn of exports in 2021.
       recovery in the gas   bcm seen in 2018 (previously Gazprom's best   In a separate report, BCS GM published the
       market has been swift   export year on record), according to Interfax.  results of an investor survey on the main Gaz-
       and dramatic.       As reported by NewsBase, Gazprom exported  prom catalysts that showed that three main
                         record volumes of gas to Europe during the first  future market movers for the stock remain the
                         half of the year, despite recent claims in the press  launch of Nord Stream 2 pipeline, high gas prices
                         that the company has been withholding supply  and the dividend policy of the company.
                         to jack up prices.                     "Both retail and institutional investors con-
                           "Gazprom’s export business keeps getting  sider dividend policy, high European gas prices
                         better in 2021, with very high prices being sup-  and the launch of Nord Stream-2 to be the key
                         ported by rising volumes as well, which are eas-  drivers behind the stock at this moment," BCS
                         ing towards 2018’s record levels," BCS Global  GM wrote.
                         Markets commented on July 19, noting that the   Retail opinion on gas prices is evenly distrib-
                         2021 EBITDA estimate of $36bn "appears to  uted between the price options in the poll, while
                         have some upside risk".              a nearly equal percentage thinks unpredictable
                           BCS GM analysts also remind that Euro-  weather will ultimately determine prices.
                         pean hub gas prices this year at well over $400   BCS GM notes that almost 25% of retail
                         per thousand cubic metres are at levels only  investors expect gas prices to collapse back
                         seen once in history, in 2008. Coupled with  below $250 per 1,000 cubic metres. Institutional
                         rising export volumes, these are expected to  investors, however, clearly lean to prices being
                         boost the company’s earnings year on year in  $300 per 1,000 cubic metres to $400 per 1,000
                         2021.                                cubic metres for the near term (about 38%) or
                           "Keep in mind that the current year export  also throw up their hands on a prediction due
                         numbers are being helped by exports to China,  to weather uncertainty (33%), but few of them
                         which did not exist in 2018," BCS GM also notes.  anticipate a crash in gas prices, according to the
                         After grossing $27bn in exports to Europe and  BCS GM poll. ™

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 29   21•July•2021
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