Page 13 - FSUOGM Week 29 2021
P. 13

FSUOGM                                  ENERGY TRANSITION                                          FSUOGM

       SOCAR eyes Caspian Sea

       wind turbines

        AZERBAIJAN       AZERBAIJAN’S SOCAR is looking at deploy-  wind power in the Caspian would help reduce
                         ing wind turbines in the Caspian Sea, in a move  them.
       SOCAR is looking to   that would help the state-owned oil and gas pro-  “The energy efficiency is in focus for many
       reduce its methane   ducer reduce the emissions from its oil and gas  energy companies and is an important part of
       emissions and make its   production.                   SOCAR’s strategic plans,” SOCAR President
       gas more attractive to   SOCAR said it had entered into a co-oper-  Rovnag Abdullayev said in a statement. “In line
       buyers.           ation pact with French services group Technip  with the development trends of technology,
                         Energies, under which the pair will study the  we are already entering this area. Our goal is
                         construction of floating wind turbines to gener-  to reduce operating costs, increase energy effi-
                         ate power for rigs in Azerbaijan’s portion of the  ciency and ensure the sustainability of opera-
                         Caspian Sea. The partnership could lead to the  tions at SOCAR.”
                         development of the country’s first offshore wind   SOCAR, BP and the other partners at TAP
                         farm.                                are weighing up whether to double the pipeline’s
                           The announcement comes as SOCAR and  capacity to 20bn cubic metres per year, or opt for
                         its investment partners seek to generate more  a smaller-scale expansion. Increasing the pipe-
                         interest in Azeri gas in Europe ahead of market  line’s capacity would enable more gas to flow
                         tests this month on a potential expansion of the  from the BP-operated Shah Deniz field in the
                         Trans-Adriatic Pipeline (TAP), which would  Azeri Caspian. SOCAR has a 16.7% stake in the
                         enable more supplies from the country to reach  upstream project. It is also a partner at Azerbai-
                         the continent's south-east. Gas customers and  jan’s flagship offshore Azeri-Chirag-Gunashli
                         investors are increasingly assessing suppliers  (ACG) project, which ships crude oil to interna-
                         based on their Scope 1 and 2 emissions, and  tional markets, and a number of other offshore
                         replacing gas-fired generators on board rigs with  fields. ™

                                                   NEWS IN BRIEF

       RUSSIA                              Russia have been well established since   to acquire a new energy market to offset
                                           Soviet times and remain focussed on the   an anticipated declining European energy
       Russia deepening energy,            extensive oil and gas pipeline network that   export business as the EU’s Green Deal
                                                                                comes into effect in the next few years.
                                           runs out of the region and into the Russian
       security ties with Pakistan         pipeline network. New pipelines to the   an agreement in Islamabad for the Pak
                                                                                  On July 15, a Russian delegation signed
                                           west, principally the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan
       with the new Pak Stream             (BTC) pipeline, opened a new direction to   Stream Gas Pipeline (PSGP) project,
                                                                                formerly known as the North-South Gas
                                           southern Europe in the noughties and more
       gas pipeline                        pipelines to China have enabled energy   Pipeline Project. The pipeline will join
                                           supplies to China in the east. But the one
                                                                                the family of the Nord Stream 1 & 2 gas
       The Kremlin is continuing a policy of   cardinal point that remains closed is to   pipelines in northern Europe and the
       deepening ties with other G20 members   the south as instability and two decades of   TurkStream pipeline that connects Russia
       and emerging markets in its regions   war have meant the southern direction has   to Turkey. Russia has also built the Power
       through new energy and security deals with   remained blocked.           of Siberia gas pipeline that connects its
       Pakistan.                              Now the Americans have withdrawn   western Siberian gas fields to China’s
         Russia has promised to build a new   from Afghanistan the ‘Stans and Russia have  underdeveloped north-west territories.
       $2.5bn natural gas pipeline in the country   hopes that the southern route will open up   The Pak Stream 1,100-km pipeline
       and offered its traditional package where   to both Russia and Central Asian exports –   will more than double Pakistan's current
       energy deals are accompanied with arms   hopes that appear to have been temporarily   capacity to transport 340mn cubic metres
       deals. Moscow has also offered to help   dashed by the sudden resurgence of the   of imported natural gas per day from liquid
       support Pakistan in its fight against   Taliban, who have captured most of the   natural gas (LNG) terminals in the southern
       terrorism with arms sales.          country only weeks after the last US boots   port of Karachi to Punjab in the north,
         Central Asia has found a new regional   left Afghan soil.              where there is high demand. It is expected
       significance not seen since the dying days   Nevertheless, Russia is actively   to come on stream by 2023.
       of the British Empire as the region starts to   developing ties with Pakistan on the other   The pipeline will be the first major
       blossom and the five ‘Stans – Kazakhstan,   side of Afghanistan and is clearly hoping   Russian investment in Pakistan in decades
       Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and   that this will aide in talks with the Afghanis   since it helped establish the Oil and Gas
       Kyrgyzstan – reach out to each other to   so the bridge can eventually be opened to   Development Company in the 1960s and
       increase mutual co-operation while at the   trade and transit through the mountainous   Pakistan Steel Mills in the '70s.
       same time developing energy and trade ties   country.                      Relations between the two states
       in all directions.                     At the same time, analysts say Russia’s   weakened in the 1980s when Pakistan
         The relations between the ‘Stans and   investments in Pakistan are part of a policy   helped the US funnel military and financial

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