Page 14 - FSUOGM Week 29 2021
P. 14

FSUOGM                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                          FSUOGM

       aid to the Afghan mujahedeen against the   Afghan reconciliation process, and so   reached 9,177 boepd (or 11% less y/y),
       Soviet-backed government.           Pakistan – with its close ties to the Taliban –   including 3,973 boepd in Ukraine (23% less
         But now the relations are warming   is a useful partner," said Michael Kugelman,   y/y).
       again as the attention of the superpowers   deputy director of the Asia Programme at   The company reported its end-June cash
       is refocusing on Central Asia and tapping   the Wilson Center, a Washington think-  balance is $35.6mn, which is 2.5x more y/y
       its energy resources. The deal is a boon for   tank. "Russia is moving closer to China,   and 1.5x more YTD.
       Pakistan too, which suffers from an energy   a key Pakistani ally. And Russia's long-  “Relative success of the IG149 well
       deficit.                            standing relationship with India is starting   allowed JKX to show a q/q increase
         Pakistan has relied on domestic gas   to lose momentum amid deepening US-  in Ukrainian output in 2Q21, after six
       reserves for power during most of its   India ties."                     consecutive quarters of decline. However,
       74-year existence, but in the past two                                   June’s average output of the IG149 well (915
       decades the country has struggled to                                     boepd) does not look encouraging, taking
       raise gas production and upgrade its   Energy ministry expects           into account that in early June JKX stated
       energy infrastructure in the face of rising                              that the well’s output had “stabilized” at
       demand from a growing population and   gasoline supplies flat on         1,340 boepd. If the well’s output continues
       industrialisation.                                                       declining, the company’s hydrocarbon
         Since 2015, Pakistan has mostly bought   2019 in July                  output in Ukraine will decrease about 20%
       LNG from Qatar under a long-term                                         y/y in 2021. We remain skeptical on JKX’
       contract or through spot buying on the   Gasoline supplies on the Russian market   ability to increase its value in the mid-term,”
       international market to fill the gap between   will be unchanged on the same period in   an analyst at the Kyiv-based Concorde
       its own production and rapidly rising   2019 in July, the Energy Ministry said in a   Capital brokerage said in a research note..
       demand.                             statement on July 16.
         Pakistan suffered a supply shock last   "As gasoline exports fell significantly, the
       month when its LNG terminal was forced to   local market supplies are expected at the   Gazprom to get boost from
       temporarily close and a local gas field also   level of the same period of pre-pandemic
       went offline.                       2019 in July 2021, and diesel fuel supplies   Nord Stream 2 agreement,
         The government led by Prime Minister   have grown 3% since the start of the month
       Imran Khan is trying to fast-track gas   as compared with the same period of 2019,"   Europe prices
       infrastructure to meet future energy   the ministry said.
       demands. Two new LNG terminals and                                       The US and German authorities have
       underground storage at Port Qasim in                                     reached an agreement on the further
       Karachi are being developed and it is                                    implementation of the Nord Stream 2
       hoped they will go online in the next three   EASTERN EUROPE             pipeline of Russian natural gas giant
       years, in addition to the new Russian-built                              Gazprom, Reuters reported citing unnamed
       pipeline.                           JKX increases hydrocarbon            sources.
         The Pak Stream deal was signed six years                                 US President Joe Biden and German
       ago with then-Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif,   production in Ukraine in    Chancellor Angela Merkel held talks in
       but thanks to Western sanctions on Russia's                              mid-July, with no result, but extended
       state-controlled tech Rostec, which was   2Q21                           negotiations are reportedly close to
       supposed to oversee the project, the project                             concluding a deal. Sources of Reuters claim
       was frozen.                         JKX Oil & Gas (JKX LN) produced 4,101   that Nord Stream AG, the operator of the
         To get round the sanctions Russia's stake   boepd of hydrocarbons in Ukraine in   project, will avoid sanctions.
       in the project was reduced to 26% from   2Q21, which is 7% more q/q, according to   As followed by bne IntelliNews, positive
       80% and Pakistan took a majority stake and   the company’s trading update of July 19.   newsflow on Nord Stream, along with high
       right of operatorship. US sanctions target   Its total output increased 2% q/q to 9,332   export prices and dividend policy, is seen as
       international projects where Russian entities  boepd in 2Q21, as production at its Russian   the main catalyst for Gazprom's shares.
       have a 33% or more share.           assets declined 2% q/q. On a year-on-  "The construction of Nord Stream 2
         Russia has been actively wooing Pakistan   year basis, the company’s 2Q21 output in   is slated to be completed by the end of
       recently. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei   Ukraine was 17% less, and total output was   August. The potential absence of new
       Lavrov was in Islamabad in April – the   6% less.                        sanctions reduces the risks associated
       first visit of a Russian foreign minister to   The key driver for JKX’ q/q increase of   with using the gas pipeline's capacities,"
       Pakistan in almost a decade – to cement   Ukrainian output was the commissioning   VTB Capital (VTBC) commented on July
       ties and broker both the energy and arms   of new well IG149. The well produced on   20, maintaining a Buy call on Gazprom's
       deals, as well as discuss the situation in   average 915 boepd in June, the company   shares, and estimated that pipeline would
       Afghanistan.                        reported. Another new well, IG21, produced  be launched in mid-2022 (with full-scale
         Now that major fighting has broken out   on average 50 boepd of hydrocarbons since   launch in 2023).
       in Afghanistan the ties between Moscow   mid-April. The company is not drilling   In 2023, thanks to the cost savings on
       and Islamabad will only get stronger,   new wells now, as it is expecting to spud   transport, this might generate some $1bn
       as Pakistan traditionally maintain close   the next well in September. Meanwhile, it is   for the company, or 4% of EBITDA, on
       contacts with the Taliban.          engaged in some well workover operations   VTBC numbers.
         "Russia wants to step up its game in   in Ukraine.                       In a separate report Interfax wrote that
       Afghanistan as a diplomatic actor in the   In 1H21, the company’s total production   Gazprom had reserved full transit capacity

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