Page 15 - FSUOGM Week 29 2021
P. 15

FSUOGM                                      NEWS IN BRIEF                                          FSUOGM

       of gas transit through Ukraine for August,   Europe in a Blazing Saddles-style move   and services in Kazakhstan, the firms
       same as in July.                    whereby he holds a gun to his own head,”   announced on July 12.
         "Gazprom appears ready to maintain the   Birman-Trickett said.           KCA Deutag will hold a 51% interest in
       status quo with its shipments, which likely   It was aimed at the Kremlin, which is   the joint venture, offering drilling services
       means Europe will enter its heating season   highly cognisant that any interruption of   in Kazakhstan with foreign-operated
       with inadequately filled storage and high gas  goods from Europe would worsen Russia's   oilfield projects Tengiz, Karachaganak
       prices," BCS Global Markets commented   own domestic inflation problem and, to a   and Kashagan standing as the main target
       on July 20, while maintaining a Buy call on   lesser extent, Beijing, which is concerned   customers. The venture will be responsible
       company's shares.                   about the protean politics of the Belt and   for engineering, procurement and leasing of
                                           Road Initiative (BRI).               drilling rigs, along with their maintenance,
                                              The Eurasian Economic Commission   operation, upgrades and modifications.
       Lukashenko does gas deal,           has been obligated to examine the legal   exposure in Kazakhstan and currently does
                                                                                  KCA Deutag has had only limited
                                           and market foundations for sanctions on
       asks Putin for more money           German transit.                      not operate any drilling rigs in the country.
                                                                                  The Kazstroyservice has long operated a
       at St Petersburg meeting                                                 joint venture with Aberdeen-headquartered
                                                                                Wood Group (Wood KSS) and has mainly
       Some more details of the agreements   CENTRAL ASIA & SOUTH               been working at the Chevron-led Tengiz oil
       struck by Belarusian President Alexander                                 and gas project.
       Lukashenko with Russian President   CAUCASUS
       Vladimir Putin during his visit to St
       Petersburg this week have emerged.    Kazakhstan fulfils its oil         Kazakhstan to decrease
         Amongst the deals agreed, Gazprom will
       not index 2022 prices and has promised to   output quota under OPEC+  LPG exports in 2022
       keep natural gas prices at 2021 levels (an
       already heavily discounted $128.50 per   agreement for June              Kazakhstan will export less liquefied
       cubic metre).                                                            petroleum gas (LPG) in 2022 to free up
         Agreements were also made to keep   Kazakhstan has fulfilled its oil output quota   supply for its expanding petrochemical
       looking at fixes for the losses Belarus will   under the OPEC+ agreement, producing   industry, Reuters reported, citing a national
       incur from Russia’s oil sector tax manoeuvre   1.465mn barrels per day in June against   plan for developing the petrochemical
       – a change in the way Russia taxes oil   the planned 1.469mn barrels, the Kazakh   sector and the energy ministry.
       exports that will remove subsidies Belarus   Energy Ministry said.         Kazakhstan is attempting to diversify its
       used to get – and talked about more loans   OPEC+, consisting of OPEC members   main commodities offerings by boosting
       the Belarusian state desperately needs.    and other major oil producers such as   output and exports of value-added products
         “Putin and Lukashenko have now    Kazakhstan and Russia, agreed to cut oil   in the hydrocarbon sector. The country
       met six times since February 2020, an   output in April 2020 by 9.7mn barrels per   will find itself in need of additional
       obvious symbol of the extent to which the   day. The cut was later gradually relaxed and   volumes of LPG after commissioning
       mismanagement of the Belarusian economy,   currently amounts to 5.8mn barrels per day.  Kazakhstan Petrochemical Industries' (KPI)
       its dependence on transfers from Russia,   “According to preliminary data, the   polypropylene-producing plant in early
       and now sanctions pressure from the   volume of oil and condensate production   2022. Chevron-led Tengizchevroil (TCO)
       West have made the fate of the regime in   in Kazakhstan in June amounted to   is set to supply the plant with propane,
       Minsk a problem (and constant headache)   seven million tonnes. Daily production   an LPG product, purchased from Turkey,
       for Moscow,” independent analyst Nick   in Kazakhstan, according to preliminary   Eastern Europe and Asia. TCO produced
       Birman-Trickett said in a note.     official data, amounted to 1.465 million   1.482mn tonnes of LPG in 2020 and
         With the population withdrawing   barrels per day in June,” the ministry noted.   exported 1.351mn tonnes, according to
       dollars from the banking system and the   In March 2021, Kazakhstan and Russia   trading data from Refinitiv.
       government running an estimated 30% of   were allowed to boost oil output by 20,000   "The volumes of liquefied petroleum gas
       GDP budget deficit, the Lukashenko regime   barrels per day and 130,000 barrels per day,   exports will decline in 2022 in line with the
       is running very short of money.     respectively.                        propane volumes which TCO supplies to
         In a desperate measure, Lukashenko                                     the petrochemical complex," Reuters quoted
       authorised the confiscation of currency and                              the Kazakh Energy Ministry as saying in
       the imposition of select capital controls   Germany’s KCA Deutag         emailed comments.
       back in late April including restricting
       purchases of foreign currency, and that   enters JV with Kazakh firm       Kazakhstan's LPG requirements are
       order took effect just before he arrived in                              likely to increase rapidly next year to
       St Petersburg to meet Putin. Annualised   to increase Kazakhstan         717,400 tonnes from the projection of
       inflation just hit 9.9%, outpacing price                                 102,400 tonnes for this year. At the same
       increases seen in Russia.           exposure                             time, Kazakhstan’s total LPG production is
         “The meeting also came about because                                   seen as broadly stable at 3-3.2mn tonnes.
       of the unhinged nature of Lukashenko’s   Kazakh building contractor Kazstroyservice
       improvisatory appeals for help – threatening  has entered into a joint venture with
       to deny transit to German goods headed to   German drilling company KCA Deutag
       Russia (or China) wasn’t about threatening   in order for both firms to boost exposure

       Week 29   21•July•2021                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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