Page 7 - LatAmOil Week 42 2021
P. 7

LatAmOil                                         GUYANA                                            LatAmOil

       ExxonMobil submits EIA for Yellowtail

                         EXXONMOBIL Guyana, a subsidiary of the   100-140 during regular commercial production
                         US-based super-major ExxonMobil, has sub-  operations.
                         mitted documents to Guyana’s Environmental   The field will see output peak at 250,000
                         Protection Agency (EPA) outlining its plans for   barrels per day (bpd). ExxonMobil Guyana will
                         development of Yellowtail, an oilfield within the   use some of the associated gas it extracts from
                         offshore Stabroek block.             Yellowtail as fuel for the FPSO and re-inject the
                           The documents, which consist of an envi-  remaining volumes in order to maintain reser-
                         ronmental impact assessment (EIA) and an   voir pressure.
                         environmental impact statement (EIS), outline   As of press time, EPA officials had not said
                         the factual and technical parameters of the com-  when they might make a decision on whether to
                         pany’s development plans. The EPA must review   approve the EIA and EIS.
                         them prior to making a decision on whether to   Equity in the Stabroek project is split between
                         give ExxonMobil Guyana a green light for the   ExxonMobil Guyana, the operator, with 45%;
                         Yellowtail project.                  Hess Guyana Exploration, with 30%; and China
                           According to a report from, the   National Offshore Oil Corp. (CNOOC), with
                         EIA states that the company intends to set up six   25%. The partners brought Liza-1, their first
                         drilling hubs and drill 41-67 new development   development project, on stream in December
                         wells at the Yellowtail field, including production   2019. They are due to launch Liza-2, the sec-
                         wells, gas re-injection wells and water-injection   ond development project, in 2022, followed by
                         wells. It expects to begin development drilling in   Payara in 2024. ™
                         mid-2023 and will then wrap up its drilling pro-
                         gramme in 2028, and the field is slated to begin
                         production in late 2025 or early 2026.
                           ExxonMobil Guyana also said in its EIA that
                         it would install and operate subsea, umbilical,
                         risers and flowline (SURF) systems to support
                         production operations. Additionally, the com-
                         pany will install and operate a floating produc-
                         tion, storage and off-leading (FPSO) vessel at
                         the Yellowtail field, which lies within the eastern
                         section of the Stabroek block.
                           Yellowtail is anticipated to remain in produc-
                         tion for at least 20 years. The project will provide
                         jobs for up to 540 people during the drilling
                         stage, rising to 600 during the most active part
                         of the installation stage and then dropping to   Preliminary drilling layout for Yellowtail field (Image: ExxonMobil)

       CGX, Frontera still on track to

       finish Kawa-1 well in December

                         CGX Energy and Frontera Energy are on track   available for use if required,” Frontera and CGX
                         to complete the Kawa-1 exploration well at the   said. “Close to 70% of the planned footage has
                         Corentyne block offshore Guyana in schedule   been drilled, and the two main geological targets
                         in December.                         of the Kawa-1 well remain to be drilled, cased
                           In a joint statement dated October 20, the   and evaluated, with current expectations on
                         two Canadian companies reported that the well   reaching total depth consistent with the previ-
                         was already nearly 70% complete. So far, they   ous public disclosure of December 2021.”
                         said, the drilling project has gone forward with-  Kawa-1 is targeting stacked sandstone res-
                         out any interruptions.               ervoirs in the Campanian and Santonian layers,
                           “At this point, four of five planned casing   the companies noted. They said they hoped the
                         strings have been landed and cemented in   target layers would prove to be analogous to
                         place, with two contingency casing strings still   other nearby fields.

       Week 42   21•October•2021                www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P7
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