Page 10 - LatAmOil Week 42 2021
P. 10

LatAmOil                                    FRENCH GUIANA                                           LatAmOil

       HDF begins building new green

       hydrogen complex in French Guiana

                         HYDROGENE de France Energy, known as   hydrogen fuel cells. Both of these 1.5-MW pro-
                         HDF, has begun work on a green hydrogen pro-  ton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cells are
                         ject in French Guiana.               based on the core FCgen-LCS stack technology
                           The company reported earlier this month   developed by Ballard Power Systems of Canada.
                         that it had started constructing a green hydro-  The total cost of the project has been esti-
                         gen complex along the lines of its proprietary   mated at $200mn. HDF recently finalised
                         Renewstable design. The complex, which will   arrangements with Meridiam, a Paris-based
                         be known as Centrale Electrique de l’Ouest   infrastructure fund, and SARA, the unit of
                         Guyanais (CEOG), will consist of a 16-MW   France’s Rubis Group that operates a 17,000 bar-
                         solar park, a water electrolysis plant, a long-term   rel per day (bpd) oil refinery in Martinique, for
                         storage unit for hydrogen, two 1.5-MW fuel cell   financing construction of the complex.
                         systems and short-term storage unit for lithi-  Additionally, HDF has already arranged to
                         um-ion batteries.                    supply electricity produced by the green hydro-
                           Together, these facilities will have a “fixed   gen complex to the local transmission grid. It
                         and guaranteed” generating capacity of 10 MW   signed a 25-year power purchase agreement
                         between 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m., dropping to   (PPA) with grid operator EDF, another French
                         3 MW between 8:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m., HDF   company, in late September.
                         stated.                                The project is expected to help improve
                           The solar park will generate electricity for   power supplies in French Guiana while facili-
                         the CEOG complex’s electrolysis plant, which is   tating the creation of a hydrogen economy. ™
                         slated to turn out 860 tonnes per year (tpy) of
                         green hydrogen. In turn, hydrogen production
                         will be pressurised and stored in tanks pending
                         transfer to the fuel cells, which will be able to
                         generate electricity and steam.
                           HDF has contracted Siemens Energy, a unit
                         of the German conglomerate Siemens, to build
                         the complex under an engineering, procure-
                         ment and construction (EPC) contract. The
                         electrolysis facility will include an Augmented
                         McLyzer high-power electrolyser platform sup-
                         plied by McPhy, a French company that designs
                         and manufactures high-pressure alkaline elec-
                         trolysers. This platform will be the first outdoor
                         version of a McPhy electrolyser platform.
                           For its part, HDF will supply the two              Rendering of CEOG complex in French Guiana (Image: HDF )

                                                     VENEZUEL A
       Japanese consortium sells 5% stake

       in Venezuela’s Carabobo Project 3

                         A consortium formed by three Japanese com-  The group, known as Japan Carabobo, con-
                         panies has sold its 5% stake in Venezuela’s Car-  sists of Mitsubishi and Japan Oil, Gas and Metals
                         abobo Project 3.                     National Corp. (JOGMEC), as well as Inpex. Its
                           Inpex, one of the consortium’s members, has   subsidiary Japan Carabobo UK (JCUK) said last
                         said that the sale will allow it to quit the South   week that it had submitted a notification of with-
                         American country.                    drawal from the project.

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 42   21•October•2021
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