Page 14 - LatAmOil Week 42 2021
P. 14

LatAmOil                                     NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

                                           quality and highest-priced blend oil production  facilities in H1-2021 with a utilisation factor
       UPSTREAM                            at Santa Cruz Sur.                   (UF) of 79%, in line with the 2020 average and
                                              The Company intends to optimise the timing  higher than that recorded in 2019 (77%) and
       Echo Energy issues update           of when the well is brought into full production  2018 (76%), even considering the scheduled
                                           to maximise cost and operational efficiencies  stoppages at the REDUC, RPBC, REGAP,
       on well intervention plan           within the larger work programme for the Santa  RLAM, REPAR and REVAP refineries, which
                                                                                were postponed from 2020 to 2021 due to the
                                           Cruz Sur assets.
       for Santa Cruz Sur assets           prior to the completion of the well intervention,  operating with a FUT of 90%.
                                              As previously announced by the Company,  pandemic. As of October 2021, the Company is
       Echo Energy, the Latin American focused  liquids production net to Echo averaged approx-  In recent years Petrobras has made invest-
       upstream energy company, has announced, fur-  imately 290 bpd in September 2021.  ments in its refining park to increase its capacity
       ther to the Company’s announcement of Octo-  Martin Hull, CEO of Echo Energy, com-  to economically process the heavier Brazilian
       ber 5, 2021, that it has completed the first in a  mented: “I am pleased to announce that we  crude oil, improve the quality of the product to
       programme of 16 proposed well interventions  have successfully completed an initial well inter-  meet stricter regulatory standards, modernise
       and workovers to bring non-producing reserves  vention on Santa Cruz Sur. This well delivered  refineries and reduce the environmental impact
       back in to production at Santa Cruz Sur.  high-quality production capacity and demon-  of its refining operations.
         The first intervention has now been success-  strates the quality and production potential of   Petrobras also clarifies that, in recent years,
       fully completed on a well in the Chorillos block.  opportunities available from our assets at Santa  the Brazilian diesel market has been supplied
       For the operation, a surface hydraulic pumping  Cruz Sur. We look forward to further updating  both by its production and by imports carried
       unit was used to induce flow and over a 100-hour  the market as our work programme progresses.”  out by distributors, third parties and by the
       period, the well delivered a cumulative 305 bar-  Echo Energy, October 14 2021  Company, which ensured that domestic demand
       rels of high-quality oil as part of this intervention                    was fully met. For the month of November,
       and flow induction process, a rate equivalent to                         Petrobras received orders well above the previ-
       circa 76 bpd.                       DOWNSTREAM                           ous months and its production capacity. Only
         The intervention focused on assessing the                              long in advance would Petrobras be able to plan
       production potential and delivery of high-qual-  Petrobras issues        itself to meet this atypical demand. Compared to
       ity oil at low water cut from a well last fully online                   November 2019, distributors’ demand for die-
       in 2013. Prior to the intervention the relevant   clarification following   sel increased by 20% and for gasoline by 10%,
       field was producing 17 bpd from a small num-                             representing more than 100% of the Brazilian
       ber of active wells.                reports of problems with             market. Petrobras continues to comply with the
         The intervention and workover programme                                contracts with the Distributors, in accordance
       is in addition to the Company’s previously   fuel deliveries             with the terms and deadlines in effect and its
       announced programme of reactivating, at the                              capacity. In addition, the Company is maximis-
       appropriate time, previously shut-in wells at  Petrobras clarifies about pieces of news in the  ing its production and deliveries, operating with
       the Campo Molino oilfield and has been com-  media regarding cuts in fuel orders fulfillment.  high utilisation of its refineries.
       menced in line with the current strategy of  As disclosed in the Q2-2021 Production and   Petrobras, October 18 2021
       focussing upon production to deliver the highest  Sales Report, the company operated its refining

                                                                                TGS, BGP, CGG sign

                                                                                agreement with Staatsolie

                                                                                for multi-client programmes
                                                                                offshore Suriname

                                                                                TGS, in a consortium with CGG and BGP, has
                                                                                announced the signature of a multi-client agree-
                                                                                ment with Staatsolie, the state-owned company
                                                                                leading the development of the energy industry
                                                                                in the Republic of Suriname. The agreement
                                                                                allows the consortium to acquire, promote
                                                                                and license multi-client seismic programmes,
                                                                                including new 3D acquisition and legacy data
                                                                                reprocessing, in the shallow-water acreage off-
                                                                                shore Suriname.
                                                                                  Suriname’s shallow offshore acreage includes
                                                                                three blocks recently awarded, and current open
                                                                                acreage slated to be offered in a competitive bid
                                                                                round for 2023.

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 42   21•October•2021
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