Page 17 - LatAmOil Week 42 2021
P. 17
NewsBase Roundup Global (NRG)
NRG Welcome to NewsBase’s Roundup Global Russian Arctic. While Moscow has downplayed
(NRG), in which the reader is invited to join the impact of this move, it could undermine
our team of international editors, who provide a efforts to exploit oil and gas in Russia’s far north,
snapshot of some of the key issues affecting their putting it on a political collision course with
regional beats. We hope you will like NRG’s new Brussels.
concise format, but by clicking on the headline
link for each section the full text will be available FSU OGM: Nord Stream 2 ready for flow
as before. Russia has finished filling the first string of the
Nord Stream 2 with natural gas, meaning that
AfrOil: Kampala seeks to ease UNOC’s the pipeline is now technically ready to operate.
access to oil revenues But there is still no clarity on when the pipeline
Uganda’s government has drawn up legislation will start pumping commercial volumes of gas
that would allow the national oil company to to Europe, as first it must be certified by German
access the proceeds from its share of future crude regulators.
production. According to The Independent, the
government has included provisions to this GLNG: China reportedly seeks more US
effect in a bill that was submitted to Parliament LNG
on October 15. Several Chinese energy firms are in talks to
secure new long-term supplies of LNG from
AsianOil: Senex attracts multiple takeover the US as rising gas prices and domestic power
bids from POSCO shortages spark concerns about supplies. Citing
Australian independent Senex Energy’s con- several sources familiar with the matter, Reu-
tinued success in boosting production has ters reported last week that the “advanced” talks
attracted an all-cash takeover bid from South involved at least five Chinese firms, including
Korea’s POSCO International. POSCO has sub- state-owned Sinopec and China National Off-
mitted a non-binding and indicative proposal to shore Oil Corp. (CNOOC), as well as local gov-
acquire all of the Australian developer’s stock for ernment-backed distributor Zhejiang Energy.
AUD4.40 ($3.29) per share on September 2, val-
uing the company at AUD815mn ($608.5mn). MEOG: Sakarya award and Farzad-B
DMEA: Challenges and progress US oilfield services specialist Schlumberger has
Downstream-focused Kuwait National Petro- been awarded a contract as part of a consortium
leum Co. (KNPC) reported an explosion and by Turkish Petroleum (TPAO) for work on the
fire at the country’s Mina Al-Ahmadi refinery offshore Sakarya gas field. Meanwhile, India’s
which injured several workers but did not affect ONGC Videsh Ltd (OVL) has asked Iran to
operations. Meanwhile, Egypt’s Assiut National clarify the terms of the contract awarded to Pet-
Oil Processing Co. (ANOPC) has signed a mem- ropars to develop the Farzad-B gas field in May.
orandum of understanding with two local firms
for the development of a new atmospheric distil- NorthAmOil: Halliburton narrowly beats
lation unit (ADU). third-quarter earnings estimates
Oilfield services giant Halliburton has beaten
EurOil: EU takes aim at Russia’s Arctic oil analyst estimates with its third-quarter results,
and gas wealth which were announced this week. The com-
The EU has proposed a new Arctic strategy pany posted net income of $236mn, or $0.26
which, if implemented, would prevent mem- per share, for the quarter, up from a net loss of
ber states from acquiring oil and gas from the $17mn in the same quarter a year ago.
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Week 42 21•October•2021 www. NEWSBASE .com P17