Page 13 - LatAmOil Week 42 2021
P. 13

LatAmOil                                         BRAZIL                                            LatAmOil

                         They are rooted in the Brazilian government’s   debt and recover from an ongoing corruption
                         announcement in 2019 of sweeping plans to   scandal, through a strategy based on divesting
                         loosen Petrobras’ monopoly grip over the gas   non-core assets in favour of focusing on Brazil’s
                         market and to promote competition in the   deepwater pre-salt zone. However, last year’s
                         domestic energy sector.              coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and crude
                           The right-wing government of President Jair   oil price crash, alongside a general slowdown in
                         Bolsonaro, who took office in January 2019, gen-  the global economy, have caused some delays for
                         erally favours the introduction of free market   the divestment programme. ™
                         policies across the economy. The president’s lib-
                         eralisation plan, which will take years to imple-
                         ment, is supposed to include the unbundling
                         of gas production operations from transport
                         and distribution, in the hope that this will allow
                         Petrobras to focus on its upstream portfolio and
                         attract more investment.
                           The liberalisation guidelines gained the
                         approval of the National Council for Energy Pol-
                         icy (CNPE) in 2019, after the Brazilian Congress
                         failed to pass a new gas law.
                           Petrobras currently accounts for around 80%
                         of Brazilian oil and gas production. It operates
                         almost all of the country’s offshore pipelines and
                         owns a total of 11 refineries. But iIt has struck
                         agreements with investors for the sale of two
                         oil-processing plants within the framework of a
                         campaign to unload eight of its refineries. These
                         sales are part of a wider initiative announced in
                         December 2019 to sell $20-30bn worth of assets
                         in the 2020-2024 period.
                           The state-owned firm is trying to pay down   Petrobras has had a monopoly on gas transport in Brazil (Image: EPE)

       Argentinian gas producers file four

       export requests in first half of October

                         ENERGY  companies operating in Argen-  firm Colbun between the date of authorisation
                         tina have filed several more natural gas export   to December 31, 2024. These shipments will also
                         requests, mostly of them concerning planned   consist of gas from Rio Neuquen, Sierre Chata
                         deliveries to Chile. The uptick has occurred   and El Mangrullo, the company said.
                         against a backdrop of rising gas output in the   The other two requests were filed by Winter-
                         Latin American state.                shall Dea Argentina and Enel Generacion Chile.
                           So far this month, a total of four gas export   They hope to cover the planned shipments with
                         authorisation requests have been submitted,   gas from multiple blocks, including San Roque
                         according to the records of the federal Energy   and Aguada Pichana Este.
                         Secretariat. Two of these were submitted by a   Six export requests were filed in Argentina
                         local company, Pampa Energia.        last month. All of them targeting customers in
                           In the documents, Pampa Energia said it   Chile, including one request from Pampa Ener-
                         wanted to send 1.3mn cubic metres per day of   gia. So far this year, more than 30 requests have
                         gas to the Brazilian power generator Ambar   been submitted.
                         Uruguaiana Energia between the date of author-  Argentina typically produces surplus vol-
                         isation and December 31, 2024. The gas will be   umes of gas in the warmer months. Since 2018,
                         sourced from three blocks: Rio Neuquen, where   it has been shipping that gas abroad, mainly to
                         the firm has a 33.07% stake; Sierre Chata, oper-  Chile and Brazil. The South American country
                         ated by Pampa with a 45.55% stake; and El Man-  is already producing conventional natural gas
                         grullo, operated by Pampa with a 100% stake.  and also hopes to increase output through the
                           Pampa Energia also wants to export up to   development of unconventional reserves in the
                         2.6 mcm per day of gas to the Chilean energy   Vaca Muerta shale formation. ™

       Week 42   21•October•2021                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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