Page 15 - LatAmOil Week 42 2021
P. 15

LatAmOil                                    NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       The new seismic data from the consortium’s
       multi-client programmes will be instrumen-
       tal in accurately delineating the prospectivity
       and potential of this underexplored area and is
       on trend with the recent material discoveries
       announced on the prolific Block 58.
         Plans are in place to start acquiring the new
       3D seismic data in the shallow offshore area
       from Q4-2021, with first products being made
       available during H1-2022.
         Kristian Johansen, CEO at TGS, commented:
       “We are pleased to announce entry to Suriname
       to continue successful evaluation of the region’s
       potential. With this exciting multi-client agree-
       ment, the consortium will play a key part in
       encouraging and enhancing future exploration
       in Suriname, ultimately helping our customers  our track record of delivering successful PLSV  than $1.5bn, and Petrobras Executive Board
       de-risk their investment opportunities.”  activities in Brazil, achieving high standards of  approved the beginning of the negotiation phase.
         Sophie Zurquiyah, CEO at CGG, said:  safety and a strong operational performance.”  The company clarifies that the signing of the
       “CGG brings its multi-client expertise and   Subsea 7, October 19 2021   transaction will depend on the outcome of the
       high-end imaging technology to this major                                negotiations, as well as the necessary corporate
       new programme that marks our return to the   Valaris announces floater   approvals. Petrobras reinforces its commitment
       Guyana-Suriname basin after our successful                               to the broad transparency of its divestment pro-
       campaign in the Stabroek block. The resulting   contract award           jects and portfolio management and informs
       exceptional data will bring new insight and                              that the subsequent stages of the project will be
       potentially extend the trend of recent significant  Valaris announced today that it has been  disclosed in a timely manner.
       discoveries to the shallow waters of Suriname.”  awarded a contract with Petrobras offshore Bra-  Petrobras, October 14 2021
         Luo Junchao, President of BGP Offshore,  zil for drillship VALARIS DS-4. The contract
       commented: “We are excited to be part of this  is for a minimum term of 548 days. The rig is   Petrobras concludes
       innovative and pioneering consortium with TGS  currently preservation stacked in the UK and
       and CGG providing the industry with a world  will transit to the Canary Islands, where it will   sale of onshore field
       class “drill ready” dataset. BGP Offshore will  be reactivated and then mobilised to Brazil. The
       deploy its state-of-the-art 3D vessel BGP Pros-  contract is anticipated to commence by early   in Sergipe state
       pector on phase 1 of this project.”  Q2-2022.
       TGS, October 20 2021                   Valaris is the industry leader in offshore  Petrobras, following up on the release disclosed
                                           drilling services across all water depths and  on October 5, 2021, informs that it concluded
       Subsea 7 awarded new                geographies. Operating a high-quality rig fleet  on 10/08/2021 the sale of its 50% stake in the
                                           of ultra-deepwater drillships, versatile semi-sub-
                                                                                onshore field of Rabo Branco, located in the Ser-
       contracts in Brazil                 mersibles and modern shallow-water jackups,  gipe-Alagoas Basin, in the State of Sergipe, to the
                                           Valaris has experience operating in nearly every  company Petrom Produção de Petróleo & Gás
       Subsea 7 has announced a very large (combined  major offshore basin.     Ltda (Petrom).
       value between $500mn and $750mn) award by   Valaris, October 19 2021       The sale to Petrom resulted from the exercise
       Petrobras for new long-term day-rate contracts                           of the company’s right of first refusal provided
       for the pipelay support vessels (PLSV) Seven                             for in the contract. After compliance with all
       Waves, Seven Rio and Seven Sun. The contracts  INVESTMENT                the precedent conditions, the transaction was
       will be recorded in backlog in the fourth quarter.                       concluded for the sale price of $1.5mn, which
         Each contract comprises a firm three-year   Petrobras provides         had already been fully deposited in a guarantee
       period and  a subsequent one-year option.                                account in favor of Petrobras on the date the pur-
       Seven Waves will commence the new contract   update on sale of           chase and sale agreement was signed, on July 5,
       in Q1-2022. Seven Rio will commence the new                              2021.
       contract in Q2-2022. Seven Sun will commence   Bahia Terra Cluster         This disclosure is in accordance with Petro-
       the new contract in Q3-2022. Before commenc-                             bras’ internal rules and with the provisions of
       ing the new contracts, each vessel will undergo  Petrobras, regarding news in the media about  the special procedure for assignment of rights
       minor modifications requiring a short shipyard  the sale of onshore production fields, located in  on exploration, development and production
       stay and modest capital expenditure.  the Reconcavo and Tucano Basins, in the state  of oil, natural gas and other fluid hydrocarbons,
         The remaining period of Seven Waves’ and  of Bahia, jointly called the Bahia Terra Cluster,  provided for in Decree 9,355/2018.
       Seven Rio’s current contracts with Petrobras  clarifies that it has received binding offers from   This transaction is aligned with the com-
       will be transferred to Seven Seas which will be  potential interested parties in the acquisition of  pany’s strategy of portfolio optimization and
       deployed to Brazil in 2022.         the assets.                          capital allocation improvement, increasingly
         Daniel Hiller, Vice-President Brazil, said:   The consortium formed by Aguila Energia  concentrating its resources in world-class assets
       “We value our long-standing relationship with  e Participacoes and by Infra Construtora e Ser-  in deep and ultra-deep waters, where Petrobras
       Petrobras and these new contracts reflect well on  vicos submitted the best proposal, worth more  has shown great competitive edge over the years.

       Week 42   21•October•2021                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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