Page 10 - MEOG Week 07 2023
P. 10

MEOG                                   PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                            MEOG

       NIOC and Sinopec continue

       talks for Yadavaran phase 2

        IRAN             AN official from the National Iranian Oil Co.  Tehran was wary of losing out in the exploitation
                         (NIOC) said this week that the company remains  of resources in the fields it shares with neigh-
                         in regular communication with a Chinese part-  bouring Iraq, which includes Yadavaran, known
                         ner for the development of a key oilfield. How-  on the Iraqi side as Sinbad.
                         ever, he was keen to stress that while terms have   Tehran’s insistence in 2015 on China upping
                         not yet been reached, the Chinese firm has not  its game came from the confidence of knowing
                         expressed any intention not to participate.  that it would have official access to a worldwide
                           In comments carried by the Ministry of  range of IOCs and technology and equipment
                         Petroleum’s (MoP) Shana news outlet, Ferey-  suppliers, given the ratification that year of the
                         doun Kurd Zanganeh, NIOC’s director of invest-  nuclear deal that would roll back sanctions on
                         ment said that talks have been held regarding the  Iran.
                         second phase of development of the Yadavaran   The subsequent phases of the field develop-
                         oilfield on a regular basis with Sinopec, which  ment project are seen increasing production to
                         completed phase one in 2015.         300,000 bpd then 400,000 bpd, though the lat-
                           “Despite the sanctions, NIOC, in line with the  ter target is not included in Sinopec’s contract.
                         strategic document of long-term cooperation  Yadavaran’s project director Motjaba Moradi was
                         between Iran and China, continues to negoti-  quoted as saying that a $400mn credit line has
                         ate with the private and state companies of this  been established for work to increase production
                         country for the development of the Yadavaran  by 42,000 bpd.
                         field and other joint fields in Iran,” he said.  Meanwhile the Rouydad 24 outlet reported:
                           Yadavaran, which is comprised of two for-  “When the Raisi administration took power,
                         mer fields, Koushk (discovered in 2000) and  they were optimistic that the Chinese would
                         Hosseinieh (discovered in 2002), is estimated  invest in this field, but Beijing, for the time being,
                         by local companies to hold 34bn barrels of oil,  has no intention of investing there,” highlighting
                         making it one of the largest under-developed oil  efforts by Iranian firms to proceed with devel-
                         fields in the world.                 opment instead.
                           Phase one has achieved a production capacity   Zanganeh stressed the importance of Yadav-
                         of 110,000 barrels per day (bpd), however, “the  aran’s development, noting that the project could
                         second phase of the development of this joint  be combined with efforts that are making more
                         field was also planned to be handed over to [Sin-  rapid progress to develop the broader Azadegan
                         opec], but unfortunately, at that time, the former  asset.
                         oil minister stopped the negotiations,” Zanganeh   Five local E&P companies and a group of six
                         said.                                banks formed a consortium in mid-2022 that
                           “The officials negotiating with this company  envisages the investment of $7bn to increase
                         at NIOC are looking for new ways to use the  production capacity there from a combined
                         [Yadavaran phase one] investment opportunity,”  215,000 bpd across the north and south devel-
                         he added.                            opment concessions to 600,000 bpd.
                           Sinopec took the lead developer role at   According to the Petroleum Engineering and
                         Yadavaran in 2008, and based on just the initial  Development Co. (PEDEC), which is in charge
                         studies, it committed to a $2bn investment in  of developing the West Karoun oilfields, the
                         the field to increase production from the initial  drilling of 36 wells has seen Azadegan’s capacity
                         25,000 bpd to 120,000 bpd.           increase by 45,000 bpd in the last year.
                           Progress, though, has not been linear, with   “Due to the identification of the sharehold-
                         Sinopec receiving a warning from the NIOC at  ers of the consortium developing [Azadegan],
                         the end of 2013 that its rate of progress had been  NIOC, as the employer, has requested in our
                         too slow.                            negotiations with this Chinese company to be
                           NIOC said that if Sinopec did not engineer  present as an investor in this field,” Zanganeh
                         a rapid increase in production then it would be  noted, adding that Sinopec, which was involved
                         removed from the development, just as China  in the first stage of North Azadegan, had offered
                         National Petroleum Corp. (CNPC) had been  last year to collaborate on the expansion.
                         from Phase 11 of the South Pars gas field and in   Yadavaran, is a supergiant asset, home to
                         2014 from the contract for the South Azadegan  around 25bn barrels of reserves across the Sar-
                         oilfield.                            vak, Kazhdomi, Godvan and Fahilan layers. The
                           Part of the reason for Iran’s initially aggres-  reservoir is shared with Iraq, where it is known
                         sive approach (in 2013) to the Chinese was that  Majnoon (Insane) on account of its size.™

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