Page 14 - DMEA Week 43 2022
P. 14

DMEA                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                              DMEA

                       Including selections from NewsBase’s partner services

       SECURITY & POLICY                   lasted almost six weeks.             Algeria’s Minister of Energy and Mines.
                                              The mourners had gathered for a memorial   Both parties agreed in principle to set up a
       Gunmen commit mass                  ceremony called for Amini in her hometown of  joint Africa-focused firm which will carry out
                                           Saqqez in Iran’s Kurdistan province. Semi-offi-
                                                                                studies and projects to convert conventionally
       killing at Iranian                  cial news agency ISNA said around 10,000 peo-  fueled cars into natural gas-powered vehicles.
                                           ple had gathered at the town’s cemetery.
                                                                                The new company will be tasked with improving
       mausoleum on same day               40-day period of mourning would ignite further   Arkab said that there are still areas of co-op-
                                              Anxious that the final day of the traditional  the hydrogen industry in Africa.
       security forces open fire at        protests, security police warned Amini’s fam-  eration that can be expedited with Egypt, such as
                                           ily not to hold a memorial procession, other-
                                                                                petrochemical projects.
       Mahsa Amini memorial                wise their son would be arrested, rights groups   In February, Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah
                                           claimed. It was not clear whether members of  El-Sisi told his Algerian counterpart Abdelmed-
       Iran’s president on October 27 vowed security  Amini’s family were present at the memorial  jid Tebboune that Egypt is seeking to expand
       forces would give a “crushing response” to those  event. A source close to the family told the BBC  trade and investment with Algeria, as well as
       who organised an attack by three gunmen that  that intelligence agents put pressure on the father  strengthen security and military ties.
       killed at least 13 people at a top tourist site, Shah  to say that they were not holding a ceremony.  bna, October 25 2022
       Cheragh mausoleum in the southern city of   Available evidence—accessible despite Iran’s
       Shiraz.                             blacking out of the internet—indicated gather-  London court rejects
         “This will definitely not go unanswered, the  ings and protests occurred throughout the day
       security forces and law enforcement agencies,  and into the night on October 26 in Iran. Uni-  Nigeria’s claim for
       having revealed the reverse side of the crime, will  versities were again the scene of much protest
       give a devastating ... answer to its organisers and  action. The death toll amid the unrest is thought   compensation over
       perpetrators,” said the president, Ebrahim Raisi.  to stand above 200, according to several human
         Officials said that two children were among  rights groups.            Glencore bribery to
       the victims and that the number of those injured   bne/IntelliNews, October 27 2022
       was  around  40.  Two  of  the  attackers  were                          national oil provider
       detained and a hunt was under way to find the   Egypt, Algeria sign
       third. The attack was claimed by Islamic State                           London’s Southwark Crown Court has rejected
       in a statement posted on the terror group’s Tele-  MoUs for energy and    Nigeria’s bid to claim compensation from Glen-
       gram channel.                                                            core over bribes that the commodities trader
         The attackers—whom official news agency   mining co-operation          paid to oil sector officials, Reuters has reported.
       IRNA described as “takfiri terrorists”, a label used                       On November 2-3, Glencore subsidiary
       by officials in predominantly Shia Muslim Iran to  Egypt and Algeria have signed memoranda of  Glencore Energy is due to be sentenced after it
       refer to hardline, armed Sunni Islamist groups—  understanding (MoUs) for co-operation in the  pleaded guilty in June to seven counts of brib-
       struck on the same day that Iranian security  fields of gas, oil and mines that include market-  ery in five different African countries, including
       forces opened fire in clashes with mourners who  ing of petroleum products (especially butane)  Nigeria, following a UK Serious Fraud Office
       were marking 40 days since the death of Mahsa  and research, exploration and production of  investigation. The probe formed part of a series
       Amini. The 22-year-old died while in the cus-  energy, according to a report by daily news por-  of global investigations that Glencore has put
       tody of Tehran’s “morality police” facing claims  tal Arab News on Wednesday, October 26.  aside $1.5bn to settle.
       that she was wearing “inappropriate attire.” The   The co-operation deals were signed by Tarek   Now, Abuja believes it should be permit-
       death of Amini sparked protests that have grown  El-Molla, Egypt’s Minister of Petroleum and  ted to address the court in order to claim
       into nationwide anti-government unrest that has  Mineral Resources, and Mohammed Arkab,  compensation.

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 43   27•October•2022
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