Page 16 - DMEA Week 43 2022
P. 16

DMEA                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                              DMEA

             business new africa       bna/IntelliNews

       Many of sub-Saharan Africa’s leading oil and gas  900 cubic metres, and construction of the Barra  There are currently four major fuel distributors
       producers have, somewhat ironically, a domestic  do Dande Ocean Terminal, which will create  in Angola – Sonangol, Pumangol, Sonangalp
       downstream sector that is not sufficient to meet  floating storage of oil products and includes a  and TotalEnergies – with room in the market
       local demand for gasoline, diesel, kerosene and  mooring dock for maritime vessels. The latter  for new players. With greater liberalisation
       other oil derivatives. Angola is no exception –  will enable Angola to expand its capacity to  expected, the market will see increased competi-
       the country currently imports 80% of its refined  store petroleum products and better serve the  tion and efficiency, resulting in improved access
       petroleum products. Accordingly, the govern-  country’s various provinces around the coun-  to fuels at a lower price. The implementation of
       ment is addressing downstream inadequacies  try, particularly in the eastern region. To further  fuel and lubricant onshore storage facilities and
       through the expansion of refining capacity,  improve access and availability of fuel, Angolan  the construction of gas stations, lubricant facto-
       which will reduce costly fuel imports and posi-  authorities are prioritising the construction of  ries, gas networks and branches remain strate-
       tion Angola as a secure and independent energy  fueling stations around the country, with the  gic investment opportunities in Angola for the
       producer. Once production ramps up from these  Regulatory Institute of Oil Derivatives com-  period 2022-2030.
       developments, Angola will be able to export  pleting its National Mapping of Service Stations   By revamping, modernising and liberalising
       refined petroleum products and associated pet-  project, of which the country currently has 876.  its downstream industry, the Angolan economy
       rochemicals to neighboring countries, including  By the end of 2022, Angola aims to have 891 fuel  is set to become more lucrative and competitive–
       the Republic of the Congo, Zambia, Cameroon  stations in its portfolio.  not only because of the additional source of state
       and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.  In addition to the sheer increase in refining,  revenue, but also because public funds will no
         The Angolan Government is also spearhead-  storage and distribution capacities, Angola has  longer be used to subsidise fuel prices.
       ing development with regards to energy storage  been pursuing the progressive liberalisation of   This article is from the publication Energy
       and distribution, along with expansion of the  the downstream sector, starting with Presidential  Invest: Angola, which will be distributed at the
       number of filling stations across the country. Key  Decree 208/19 that established the legal regime  upcoming Angola Oil & Gas (AOG) 2022 Con-
       upgrades to Angola’s fuel distribution network  governing the activities of importing, receiving,  ference & Exhibition, taking place on November
       include the inauguration of the Saurimo Fuel  supplying, storing, transporting, distributing,  29-December 1 in Luanda.
       Storage Plant, which has a storage capacity of  marketing and exporting petroleum products.   Energy Capital & Power, October 26 2022

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 43   27•October•2022
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