Page 6 - FSUOGM Week 25 2021
P. 6

FSUOGM                                        COMMENTARY                                            FSUOGM

       The head of Naftogaz's

       supervisory board pursues

       CEO Vitrenko's dismissal

       Ukraine's government caused a scandal when it dismissed the widely

       respected head of Naftogaz, Andriy Kobolev, in late April

        UKRAINE          YURIY Vitrenko has only been on the job for a  to detect and fight corruption in Ukraine, Vit-
                         few weeks as the head of Ukraine’s national gas  renko said that the company’s team had man-
                         company Naftogaz but was fired again on June  aged to reduce graft sharply in the local gas
                         16, on technical grounds as a struggle for con-  market. It mainly did this by fighting corruption
                         trol of the country’s leading energy company  during procurement by UkrGasVydobuvannya,
                         continues.                           which is part of Naftogaz and produces 70% of all
                           Ukraine’s government caused a scandal  gas extracted in the country, and UkrTransGaz,
                         when it dismissed the widely respected head of  Ukraine’s gas transportation system operator.
                         state-run oil and gas company Naftogaz, Andriy   Vitrenko said Naftgogaz had also curbed
                         Kobolev, on April 29, the day after the company  corruption in Ukrnafta, an oil and natural gas
                         reported losing $684mn in 2020. Kobolev has  extraction company that was de facto controlled
                         overseen the turnaround of the company that  by oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky. Naftogaz owns
                         made it Ukraine’s biggest tax payer and led the  50% of shares plus one in the company.
                         legal battle against Gazprom that ended with a   Vitrenko said that before 2018, when Naf-
                         payout of $2.6bn in Ukraine’s favour.    togaz started to actively defend its rights in the
                           Kobolev was replaced by his former deputy  company, there was a “large-scale withdrawal of
                         Vitrenko, who quit the company last year after  money” from Ukrnafta.
                         clashing with his former boss. Vitrenko was   “Oligarchs and corrupt people have never
                         appointed CEO of Naftogaz from the office of  enjoyed the way we systematically reduced the
                         acting Energy Minister; however, Vitrenko is  space for corruption,” he wrote as cited by the
                         being fired again, as under Ukrainian law he can-  Kyiv Post. “But when you fight corruption, it
                         not take over as CEO of a public company for a  starts fighting you.”
                         year after quitting the same company.    Naftogaz issued the following statement:
                           The decision to fire Kobolev made by the  “Naftogaz continues to follow its strategic vector
                         Cabinet went down very badly with Ukraine’s  and transforms the group to be lean and com-
                         international donors and is reported to be the  petitive in Ukraine’s gas market. To achieve this
                         reason why US President Joe Biden did not fol-  goal, Naftogaz continues to streamline its organ-
                         low through with a plan to meet Ukrainian Pres-  isational structure, distribution of functions and
                         ident Volodymyr Zelenskiy in person ahead of  responsibilities among departments. Trans-
                         his summit with Russian President Vladimir  formation removes overlap in tasks, simplifies
                         Putin on June 16.                    interaction among departments, and rearranges
                           Vitrenko was angered by the decision and  the structure to increase the group’s efficiency. A
                         blamed his old boss Kobolev as being behind  number of functions have been already restruc-
                         the decision, saying on his Facebook page that  tured in the integrated gas division, in long-term
                         Kobolev “organically fits” into today’s Ukrainian  planning, market research and long-term fore-
                         authorities.                         casting, corporate communications, general
                           “So, they ‘agreed’ with Kobolev again,” Vit-  operating management, etc. The functions of
                         renko wrote. Analysts speculate that part of the  Naftogaz group’s executive officer will be restruc-
                         reason for Vitrenko's dismissial is vested inter-  tured in the same way.”
                         ests are worried he will crack down on their lucu-  “Otto Waterlander, Naftogaz group chief
                         rative corrupt schemes in the energy sector and  operating officer – chief transformation officer,
                         so have engineered his removal.      will be responsible for operations and transfor-
                           While it is not Naftogaz’s direct responsibility  mation processes, including the implementation

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