Page 9 - FSUOGM Week 25 2021
P. 9

FSUOGM                                       COMMENTARY                                            FSUOGM

       Lukoil’s oil sands fields to languish

       under current tax regime: Rystad

       Russia's decision to abolish tax relief starting this year has been tough on
       producers of high-viscous oil. Lukoil operates two large fields of this kind in

       the Komi region, writes Rystad Energy

        RUSSIA           RUSSIA’S decision to abolish tax reliefs start-  millipascal-seconds (mPa·s), which means it can
                         ing this year has been tough on producers of  be classified as oil sands. The field itself consists
                         high-viscous oil. Lukoil has become the second  of two main structures – Yaregskaya and Lyayel-
                         victim of the new tax rules, after Tatneft, as it  skaya. The first structure has been developed
                         operates two large high-viscous fields in the  since 1932 with mining techniques and thermal
                         Komi republic – Yaregskoye and Usinskoye. On  steam treatment methods, which brought quite
                         top of this, the company has lost export duty  stable oil production during the past decade.
                         incentives for its Korchagin field in the Cas-  Since 2012, the Lyayelskaya structure has been
                         pian Sea. Even so, Lukoil continues to expand  developed as an expansion project using the
                         production at these fields through drilling pro-  steam-assisted gravity drainage (SAGD) tech-
                         grammes in the hope that the tax incentives may  nology widely used in Canada, and is now the
                         be brought back if negotiations with the author-  main contributor to the field’s oil sands produc-
                         ities are successful. In this commentary, Rystad  tion (Figure 1).
                         Energy investigates the impact of the tax changes   The first tax reliefs for high-viscous oil took
                         on Lukoil’s activities and the cash flow profiles  effect in 2007 (see our previous commentary
                         of the affected fields – and concludes that these  on this topic for details). This allowed Lukoil to
                         three fields will no longer be financially viable  start to cumulate investments for infill drilling
                         under the current fiscal terms. Unless the tax  at the Yaregskaya structure and the full-scale
                         incentives return, Lukoil will most likely cancel  development of the Lyayelskaya acreage. The
                         further expansion at Yaregskoye and let produc-  introduction of additional incentives in the
                         tion decline naturally at its Caspian project.   form of heavily reduced export duties in 2013
                                                              coincided with the start of the ambitious invest-
                         High-viscous oil projects            ment programme Yarega-1, which led to a com-
                         Yaregskoye is Lukoil’s largest source of high-vis-  plete modernisation of the field’s infrastructure
                         cous oil production. The field’s oil is heavy  and the transition of SAGD technologies from
                         and tarry with viscosity exceeding 12,000  test mode to full-scale development. A second

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