Page 13 - MEOG Week 02 2022
P. 13

MEOG                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                             MEOG

                                                                                  According to Hamid-Reza Masoudi, the
                                                                                mentioned deals are concerned with the
                                                                                construction of an off-shore pipeline as well
                                                                                as the installation of the phase’s SDP11B
                                                                                  “The engineering, procurement and
                                                                                implementation activities corresponding to
                                                                                these two contracts have officially started
                                                                                since the beginning of the current [Iranian
                                                                                calendar] month [December 22, 2021]),”
                                                                                Masoudi said.
                                                                                  In order to transfer and install the
       maximum of 1.05 million shares, with a   strategic footprint in the refining business in   mentioned platform to position 11B in the
       minimum subscription of 100,000 shares.  North-West Europe (NWE), a fast-growing   shortest possible time, after the necessary
         Upon completion of the book-building   and under-served market.        studies we awarded the project to an Iranian
       process, the listing of East Pipes is to take   Klesch had completed the acquisition of   company in the form of an Engineering,
       place on the main market TASI, after SNB   Equinor Refining in Denmark on December   Procurement, Construction and Installation
       Capital sets the final offer price.  31, 2021, comprising the refinery, including   (EPCI) contract, he said.
       ARAB NEWS                           a terminal in the northwest of Zealand, the   The required items and equipment for the
                                           Hedehusene terminal near Copenhagen, as   project have been ordered or purchased by
                                           well as associated infrastructure and industrial   Petropars based on the Long Lead Items (LLI)
       OIL                                 property.                            procurement method so that the project can
                                              The deal allows ATC to exclusively   be completed as scheduled, the official added.
       Masirah provides Yumna              supply 110 million barrel per day of crude   Masoudi said: “The gas and gas condensate
                                                                                  Mentioning the offshore pipeline project,
                                           with a trading opportunity for Arabian
       oilfield update                     crude placement and third-party crude and   produced in the first phase of the project
                                           condensate and with a provision for refined
                                                                                which is expected to be about 11 million
       Masirah Oil, a 91.81 percent subsidiary of   products offtake, said the statement from   cubic meters per day will be sent to onshore
       Rex International, said Monday that gross   Aramco. It will support Northern Europe’s   processing facilities in Pars 2 region through
       oil output from the Yumna Field in offshore   energy requirements and give ATC the   this pipeline.”
       Block 50 Oman, in December 2021 amounted   ability to supply its customers in the EU from   When fully developed, the South Pars
       to 8,440 stock tank barrels per day (stb/d).  regional capacity, it added.   phase 11 project will have a production
         “Production was choked back during   President and CEO Ibrahim Al Buainain   capacity of two billion cubic feet per day
       December for reservoir and fluid flow   said: “I am delighted to note that this   or 370,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day.
       optimization and to carry out continuing   transaction will give ATC (Aramco) direct   The produced gas will be fed into Iran’s gas
       maintenance of the Mobile Offshore   access to the refining system in Europe.”  network.
       Production Unit’s production system,”   “Hence, this will also pave the way for   Iran had previously awarded the
       Masirah oil said.                   creating a framework that will allow similar   development of phase 11 project to a
         For comparison, production in November   transactions in Europe and other parts of the   consortium comprised of France’s Total,
       2021 was 8,234 stock tank barrels per day   energy map,” he added.       China National Petroleum Corporation
       (stb/d), also choked back for the reasons listed   A major player trading in crude,   (CNPC), and Petropars which is a subsidiary
       above. Masirah Oil is the Operator and holds   refined products, LNG and LPG, blending   of the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC),
       a 100 percent interest in Block 50 Oman.  components, bulk petrochemicals, and   however Total and CNPCI pulled out of the
         First oil from the Yumna field was achieved  polyolefins, ATC now has four global offices   project in 2019 due to the U.S. sanctions.
       in February 2020. In 2020, 2.12 million   in Dhahran, Fujairah, London and Singapore   Currently, Petropars is developing the
       barrels of oil were produced and sold from the   to support its integration model.  phase 11 project after its partners left the
       Yumna Field.                        TRADEARABIA                          contract.
       OE DIGITAL                                                                 The drilling operation for the first well
                                                                                of mentioned phase was officially started in
       Aramco unit seals                   GAS                                  December 2020. In the early production stage,
                                                                                the output of this phase will reach 500 million
       feedstock supply deal with  Development of South Pars                    cubic feet (equivalent to 14 million cubic
                                                                                meters) per day.
       Klesch                              phase 11 accelerating                covering an area of 3,700 square km of Iran’s
                                                                                  South Pars is the world’s largest gas field,
       Aramco Trading Company (ATC), the trading   The managing director of Petropars Company,   territorial waters.
       arm of Saudi energy giant Aramco, has   which is in charge of developing phase 11 of   The giant field is estimated to contain a
       signed an agreement with Klesch Group, an   Iran’s South Pars gas field in the Persian Gulf,   significant amount of natural gas, accounting
       international industrial commodities group,   has announced the implementation of two   for about eight percent of the world’s reserves,
       for the exclusive supply of feedstocks for its   new contracts as of December 22, 2021, to   and approximately 18bn barrels of condensate.
       Kalundborg Refinery in Denmark.     accelerate the development of the mentioned   The field is divided into 24 standard phases.
         This deal with Klesch gives Aramco a   phase, Shana reported.          TEHRAN TIMES

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