Page 6 - MEOG Week 44
P. 6

MEOG                                  PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                            MEOG

       Snam to develop LNG

       supply for vehicles in Israel

        ISRAEL           ITALIAN gas grid firm Snam has struck deals  H2Pro, which has developed an “innovative”
                         with Israeli firms on the use of LNG and other  technology known as E-TAC for producing
                         alternative fuels in Israel’s transport sector. Snam  green hydrogen. H2Pro claims the technology
                         signed one agreement with the country’s largest  can yield 30% more hydrogen from water than
                         gas supplier Delek Drilling and its main public  traditional electrolysis. Snam and H2Pro will
                         transport provider Dan on developing a supply  carry out joint research, and may apply H2Pro’s
                         chain for using LNG as a transport fuel in Israel,  technologies at projects and take part in project
                         particularly for buses and heavy vehicles.  tenders both in Israel and in Europe.
                           The group will carry out feasibility studies on   “With these agreements we are further
                         building a small-scale liquefaction pilot plant  developing Snam’s international presence to
                         and LNG refuelling infrastructure, leveraging  strengthen our contribution to the energy tran-
                         Snam’s technologies and Delek’s gas reserves.  sition and the achievement of global climate
                         Delek operates a number of onshore and off-  objectives,” Snam CEO Marco Alvera com-
                         shore gas licences in Israel. Its largest projects  mented. “The partnerships with Delek Drilling,
                         are the Leviathan and Tamar fields in the Medi-  Dan and H2Pro ... allow us to enter a new mar-
                         terranean Sea.                       ket with projects in sectors of our interest such
                           Snam also signed a memorandum of under-  as sustainable mobility and hydrogen and, at the
                         standing (MoU) with Dan on evaluating the use  same time, to increase our know-how in one of
                         of biomethane, green hydrogen and electricity in  the most innovative contexts in the world.”
                         transport. The deal could pave the way for the   Israel wants to ban the sale of new gasoline
                         conversion of some of Dan’s vehicles to run on  and diesel-powered vehicles after 2030, replac-
                         these energy sources, as well as the development  ing them with gas-fuelled and electric cars and
                         of pilot refuelling and recharging infrastructure.  trucks. And thanks to major offshore discoveries
                           Finally, the Italian firm signed a collaboration  over the past decade, it now has more gas than it
                         and research agreement with Israeli start-up  can use or readily export.™


       Aramco announces Q3 results

        SAUDI ARABIA     SAUDI Aramco this week announced its Q3  compared to the full year average for 2019.
                         results and said that it would follow through  Much of this reduction can be attributed to the
                         with its $75bn full-year dividend commitment  nine-month crude output average falling from
                         despite pre-tax income falling by nearly 44%.  9.5mn bpd during the first half to 9.2mn bpd by
                           While net income registered a marked  the end of September. This compares with the
                         improvement – $11.8bn against $6.57bn in Q2,  company’s full year 2020 plan average of 10mn
                         the year-on-year comparison shows a drop of  bpd and implies that Q3 production was around
                         nearly $10bn. Despite president and CEO Amin  8.9mn bpd, another significant dip following
                         Nasser saying that the company had seen “early  the Q2 drop to 7.5-8mn bpd, when the company
                         signs of a recovery in the third quarter due to  sought to stem its financial bleeding and comply
                         improved economic activity”, the Q3 report was  with OPEC+ cuts.
                         notable because of the near omission of opera-  The company did not, however, progress on
                         tions. Instead, much of the attention focused on  increasing gas production, noting that it had
                         the company keeping its promise to pay out its  achieved a single-day natural gas output record
                         $18.75bn dividend for the quarter during Q4,  of 10.7bn cubic feet ($303mn cubic metres) on
                         while the integration of SABIC was also noted  August 6 from “conventional and unconven-
                         in a manner that adds substance to rumours that  tional fields”. Though there was no clarification,
                         the downstream and corporate business units  this presumably relates to sales gas production,
                         will be spun off to protect the upstream cash cow.  which the company had intended to reach an
                           Rather than providing a quarterly produc-  average of 9.6 bcf per day (272 mcm) by the end
                         tion update, Aramco noted that the nine-month  of the year, though despite the peak, this target
                         total hydrocarbon production average had fallen  remains unlikely given the reduction in capital
                         from 12.7mn barrels of oil equivalent per day to  spending in the fall-out from the coronavirus
                         12.4mn boepd, a reduction of 800,000 boepd  (COVID-19) pandemic.™

       P6                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 44   04•November•2020
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