Page 9 - MEOG Week 44
P. 9

MEOG                                  PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                            MEOG

       Saipem posts loss,

       confirms ISND contract

        QATAR            ITALIAN services firm Saipem announced its  alongside Saipem. According to sources spoken
                         Q3 results last week, posting a net loss of $154mn  to by Upstreamonline, the four-legged wellhead
                         in the period to the end of September, up signif-  platform is predicted to have 16 slots and will be
                         icantly from the $719mn recorded during Q2.  installed at a water depth of 33 metres. A simi-
                           In its results announcement, the company  lar contract tendered in 2017 attracted interest
                         noted a significant award for work offshore  from companies understood to include China’s
                         Qatar. Though falling into Q4, the company  Offshore Oil Engineering Co. (COOEC), India’s
                         announced that it had been awarded an engi-  Larsen & Toubro, McDermott, Saipem, Malay-
                         neering, procurement, construction and instal-  sia’s Sapura Energy and TechnipFMC.
                         lation (EPCI) contract worth $140mn for the   Phase 5 is part of a major undertaking by QP
                         fifth phase of development at the Idd El-Shargi  to redevelop ISND and other ageing assets to
                         North Dome (ISND) field. The contract covers  raise and sustain oil and gas output. The revised
                         EPCI of a “topside, subsea pipelines and addi-  scope of the overall redevelopment project was at
                         tional brownfield works for the modification and  that time anticipated to comprise several remote
                         tie-ins of existing infrastructures”.  platforms, infield pipelines and umbilicals, and
                           During a conference call, Stefano Cao, CEO  ties-ins to the existing field infrastructure.
                         of Saipem, said: “The Middle East is the most   QP announced in October 2018 that oper-
                         promising area for major awards, with giant  atorship of the maturing ISND field, located
                         developments expected in Qatar. We are inter-  around 80 km offshore, and Idd El-Shargi South
                         ested in several large packages there.”  Dome (ISSD) would revert to the state firm.
                           Technical and commercial offers were sub-  This came after it failed to agree new contrac-
                         mitted in August for ISND-5, with Qatar Petro-  tual terms with US-based Occidental Petro-
                         leum (QP) thought to have received bids from  leum (Oxy) with the 25-year development and
                         Italian firm Rosetti Marino, McDermott Inter-  production-sharing agreement (DPSA), which
                         national of the US and Malaysia’s Sapura Energy,  expired in October last year.™

       Iran installs housing unit at Forouzan

        IRAN             IRAN this week announced the installation of a  will be carried out on an EPC-EPD basis and
                         housing platform at the Forouzan oilfield, which  covers the drilling of 12 new wells, 11 wells
                         targets a shared reservoir known as Marjan in  repairs and three re-entry wells on the subsur-
                         Saudi Arabia.                        face, as well as the installation of three pipelines,
                           The development of the field is being over-  the fabrication and erection of two new plat-
                         seen by the Iranian Continental Shelf Oil Co.  forms and provision of fibre-optic cabling. Pet-
                         (ICSOC), although it falls under the remit of  ropars reported that the deal was worth $344mn.
                         Iranian Offshore Oil Co. (IOOC). According   The field was discovered in 1966 and began
                         to Abu Al-Qasim Khadbaksh of ICSOC: “The  producing from its 850-900mn barrel resource
                         weight of the new platform that was installed is  in 1974. The asset is located 100 km south-east
                         680 tonnes.” He added that “13 oil wells will be  of Kharg Island.
                         drilled within the framework of the development   According to the most recent published esti-
                         of the Forouzan field, and that [it] is among 33  mates, Forouzan is thought to be producing
                         projects on the agenda of the Ministry of Oil to  around 40,000 bpd, with most surveys merely
                         stabilise and increase oil production.”  including it in IOOC’s offshore slate. On the
                           Khadbakhshi noted: “The first stage of devel-  other side of the maritime border, Saudi Ara-
                         oping the field began about three months ago,  mco produces around 405,000 bpd from Mar-
                         and aims to maintain and stabilise the actual  jan. However, during Q2, the company Aramco
                         production and thus increase the field’s produc-  delayed by six months the Marjan and Berri
                         tion capacity by 12,000 barrels per day [bpd].”  crude increment programmes that are set to
                           In August, IOOC signed a deal for Forou-  more than double oil output capacity from the
                         zan with Petropars and Mobin Sazeh Gostar  assets to a combined 1.35mn bpd at a cost of
                         (ISOICO). According to Petropars, the project  around $18bn.™

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