Page 8 - LatAmOil Week 13 2022
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LatAmOil MEXICO LatAmOil
“We are very proud of our operational leader- which retained its stake in the field following its
ship in Mexico’s private energy sector and of our merger with Chrysaor Holdings, another British
accomplishments thus far with our world-class company, into a new company known as Har-
Zama discovery,” Duncan commented. “We are bour Energy.
disappointed that despite our consistent track Following the discovery, SENER began
record of success, safety and progress, we were claiming that Zama was part of a larger reser-
not provided the opportunity to retain our role voir that extended into a neighbouring block. It
as operator for the benefit of the project. How- instructed Pemex and Talos to negotiate a uni-
ever, we understand how important accelerated tisation agreement, citing studies showing that
first oil from Zama is for the Mexican energy the Asab, Chamak and Naquita fields at Uchukil
sector and all of the company’s stakeholders, 0152 were part of the same reservoir discovered
and we will work with the urgency required to at Zama.
finalise the unit development plan so FID can According to Mexican officials, those studies
be reached.” showed all the fields to be part of a single reser-
Talos discovered Zama, which is believed to voir that lay mostly within the block assigned to
hold nearly 700mn barrels of oil in recoverable Pemex.
reserves, at Block 7 in 2017. The US-based com- Talos repeatedly raised objections to SEN-
pany was working at the field in a consortium ER’s position, citing Pemex’s repeated failures to
with Wintershall Dea (Germany) and Premier carry out exploration drilling at Uchukil 0152
Oil (UK). Equity in the project was split 35% to and other problems. Nevertheless, its efforts
Talos, 40% to Wintershall and 25% to Premier, have not gained any ground thus far.
Shell launches gas production at Colibri
SHELL (UK) said on March 31 that one of its Progress strategy in-country, as we seek to pro-
affiliates had launched the Colibri project, vide more and cleaner energy solutions globally.
which targets a natural gas field that straddles Colibri, along with other development projects,
two licence areas offshore Trinidad and Tobago. will see natural gas going into both the domestic
In a statement, the multi-national said that petrochemical markets and into LNG exports,
Shell Trinidad and Tobago – itself owned by in line with the energy ambitions of Trinidad
BG International, a subsidiary of Shell – had and Tobago.”
started extracting gas from Block 22 and the Shell Trinidad and Tobago is developing
NCMA-4 section of the North Coast Marine the Block 22 and NCMA licence areas jointly
Area (NCMA). Production operations began with the national oil company (NOC) Heritage
on March 30, it reported. Petroleum Co. Ltd. Heritage has a 10% stake in
Shell described Colibri as a backfill pro- Block 22 and a 20% stake in NCMA.
ject that was likely to yield 174mn cubic feet
(4.927mn cubic metres) per day of gas in the
near term, rising later to a peak of 250 mmcf
(7.08 mcm) per day. Gas is being extracted via
a series of four subsea wells, all of which are
connected via subsea tie-backs to the Poinsettia
platform at the NCMA block.
Production from Colibri will be delivered to
Trinidad and Tobago’s domestic gas market and
also to the Atlantic LNG plant, along with out-
put from Barracuda, Matapal and other offshore
fields. Shell is a key shareholder in Atlantic LNG,
as it owns a 46% stake in the facility’s Train 1, a
57.5% stake in Train 2, a 57.5% stake in Train 3
and a 51.11% stake in Train 4. (Train 1 is cur-
rently idle.)
Wael Sawan, Shell’s director of integrated
gas, renewable and energy solutions, expressed
satisfaction with the successful launch of the
Colibri project. “I am proud of the team in Trin-
idad and Tobago for their commitment to safely
delivering this project on time,” he commented.
“This reinforces the delivery of Shell’s Powering Colibri will provide feedstock for the Atlantic LNG plant (Image: Atlantic LNG)
P8 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 13 31•March•2022