Page 14 - DMEA Week 16 2021
P. 14

DMEA                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                              DMEA

       is one of the key transitional fuel sources   on solar photovoltaic technology and sectors   It is estimated that two of these tankers
       that we are working with via various   related to the just energy transition.  carrying a total of 1.9 million barrels of oil
       strategic demonstration opportunities and   Sasol and the LEN Consortium have jointly  have already arrived at the Baniyas oil refinery.
       partnerships. The H2Global consortium   engaged with the German government to   The other two ships, which were present in the
       provides us with a powerful platform to   inform H2Global of its intention to bid via   Suez Canal between 8-9 April, are currently
       support the development of these new   the double auction mechanism. The H2Global   untraceable due to the shutdown of their
       technologies and their applications and   carbon auction rounds are expected to launch   tracking systems.
       markets.                            towards the end of 2021.               On 4 July, 2019, the Arman 114 ship was
         “Sasol’s expertise in hydrogen and our   SASOL                         detained in Gibraltar for transporting oil to
       extensive R&D capabilities, combined with                                Syria in violation of European Union (EU)
       our specialist knowledge of Fischer-Tropsch                              sanctions.
       technology, supports our ambition to play a   TERMINALS & SHIPPING         It is estimated that the shipments may
       key role in creating South Africa’s hydrogen                             contribute to meeting Syria’s needs for oil for a
       economy.”                           Iran supplies Syria with 3m          period of three weeks.
         Linde is a leading global industrial gases                               The fuel crisis in Syria has worsened,
       and engineering company listed on both the   barrels of oil              especially after the Kurdistan Workers’ Party
       New York and Frankfurt stock exchanges.                                  stopped selling oil to the Assad regime 25 days
       Through its ITM Linde Electrolysis joint   Iran has supplied the Syrian regime with 3   ago, due to its inability to settle accumulated
       venture, Linde is a leader in the design and   million barrels of oil to address the worsening   debts.
       operations of next generation PEM (Proton   fuel crisis in the regime-controlled areas of   The Syrian government has linked the fuel
       Exchange Membrane) electrolysers required   Syria, Anadolu Agency reported.  crisis to the Ever Given ship incident in the
       to produce green hydrogen.             According to naval tracking firm   Suez Canal.
         ENERTRAG is a German renewables   TankerTrackers, the tankers Arman 114, Sam   The fuel crisis brought transportation and
       energy company that owns close to 1 Gigawatt   121, Daran and Romina were tracked around   social life to a halt, especially in the crowded
       generation capacity and operates more than   the southern part of the Red Sea heading   cities of Damascus, Aleppo, Latakia, Hama
       6 Gigawatts of renewable assets. It also has a   towards Syria.          and Tartus.
       strong presence in South Africa. Navitas is a   The first tanker carrying 900,000 barrels of   MEMO
       South African development, construction and   oil has been discharged to the Baniyas refinery
       investment company that primarily focuses   in Syria on 8 April.

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 16   22•April•2021
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