Page 13 - DMEA Week 16 2021
P. 13

DMEA                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                             DMEA

       was projected to have a production capacity of   Spain and Portugal, came in second place,   platform.
       100,000 barrels of crude per day.   importing 4.3 bcm of natural gas from   The LEN Consortium will enable Sasol
         The Lobito refinery (Benguela), which is   Algeria. Volumes were up 122% y/y with the   to work with world-class partners on
       considered to be a high conversion facility,   north African country’s market share growing   the opportunity, employing its extensive
       will have a production capacity of 200,000   to 47% of the total market in the first quarter   experience to produce liquid fuels and
       barrels per day and will cover an area of   2021, up from 21% in the first quarter of 2020.  chemicals with Fischer-Tropsch (FT)
       around 150 hectares.                   Increasingly Algeria has been diversifying   technology.
         It is expected to produce unleaded   its natural gas export markets away from   SAF is key to decarbonising the aviation
       gasoline, diesel, Jet1 (aviation fuel), lamp oil, a   southern Europe and towards Asia, led by   sector, which is widely viewed as one of
       limited amount of sulphur and coke.  China and Bangladesh.               the most challenging sectors in which to
         The Luanda refinery, which is currently   BNE                          reduce greenhouse gas emissions. SAF
       being modernised and optimised, will have                                production employs a Power to Liquid
       a production capacity of 450,000 tons of   Bahrain’s BAPCO cuts          (PTL) process, which relies on the supply
       gasoline per year, as compared to 72,000 tons                            of a sustainable carbon feedstock (biomass
       currently, after the project is concluded in   bitumen prices            or other unavoidable industrial carbon
       2022.                                                                    dioxide sources) and the production
         For the 2021 financial year, UNEP, with   Bahrain’s state-owned refiner BAPCO has cut   of green hydrogen through electrolysis
       regard to exploration, has planned to acquire   its bitumen prices by $10/t for the first time in   using renewable energy. The carbon and
       1,500 square kilometres of 3D seismic in each   11 months, in line with a recent slide in Asian   hydrogen are converted to synthesis gas, a
       operated Block 5/06 and 27.         prices.                              mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen,
         UNEP will likewise re-launch onshore   The producer yesterday reduced its listed   which in turn is converted to longer chain
       activity in four blocks operated by it, one of   prices to $395/t fob Sitra, effective from today.  hydrocarbons for the production of jet fuel or
       the main assets being Block 3/05, where a   This is the first cut to its prices since the   SAF via the FT process.
       revitalisation programme is underway, with   last week of May 2020 when prices were at   The H2Global platform has developed a
       the aim of not only increasing production but   $180/t. Prices have since risen by 125pc to hit   framework for double auction systems for
       also improving the integrity of the facilities   $405/t in the third week of March 2021.  required projects to produce green hydrogen
       which have over 35 years of production   The price drop is in line with a recent fall   and its derivatives, as well as the importation
       history.                            in benchmark fob Singapore prices from a   of the resulting products into Germany.
       ALL AFRICA                          near two-year high of $437.50/t on 19 March.   H2Global will enable green hydrogen projects
                                           Expectations of an increase in supplies from   to be established in designated countries, such
                                           Singapore-based refiners in May have pushed   as South Africa.
       FUELS                               discussion levels down in the past couple of   Sasol, as a global leader in FT technology,
                                           weeks.                               licensing and operations, is exploring the
       Algeria’s natural gas               bitumen price for the week ending 9 April at   feasibility of SAF production at its Secunda
                                              Argus assessed the ABX1 fob Singapore
                                                                                Synfuels plant with its consortium partners.
       exports increase                    $417.50/t fob Singapore.             The project would leverage Sasol’s existing
                                                                                facilities, deep technical know-how in the
       Algeria’s natural gas exports increased year on                          FT process and downstream processing
       year in the first quarter (January-March) of   Sasol to explore potential of   capabilities.
       2021 driven by strong demand from clients in                               “Action on climate change is central to
       the northern Mediterranean region, Algerie   cleaner aviation fuels      Sasol’s strategy, and we continue to take
       Presse Service reported citing a statement by                            significant steps to reduce greenhouse gas
       Sonatrach, the national hydrocarbons giant.  Sasol Ltd (Sasol) today announced it will work   emissions generated in our production
         Natural gas exports to Italy more than   alongside a consortium comprising Linde   processes,” said Fleetwood Grobler, Sasol
       doubled, growing by 109% y/y to 6.4bn cubic   PLC (Linde), ENERTRAG AG (ENERTRAG)   President and CEO.
       metres in the first quarter of 2021, expanding   and Navitas Holdings (Pty) Ltd (Navitas) –   Grobler added: “The decision to
       Algeria’s share of the Italian natural gas market  the LEN Consortium – to bid in concept   explore the creation of a SAF production
       to 35%, up from 16% in the comparable   for the production of sustainable aviation   demonstration facility at our Secunda
       quarter in 2020.                    fuel (SAF) under the auspices of the German   Operations is aligned with our long-term
         The Iberian Peninsula, which comprises   Federal Government’s H2Global auction   decarbonisation strategy. Green hydrogen

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