Page 8 - DMEA Week 16 2021
P. 8

DMEA                                            REFINING                                               DMEA

                                                                                                  Image source:
                                                                                                  Ghana EPA
       New Tema refinery

       to be denied permit

        AFRICA           GHANA’S Environmental Protection Agency  existing refinery, the struggling Tema Oil Refin-
                         (EPA) this week said that a proposed new refin-  ery (TOR).
                         ing project at Tema is unlikely to be built owing   In March, Ghanaian Energy Minister Mat-
                         to environmental concerns. The proposed site  thew Opoku Prempeh said the 45,000 bpd facil-
                         of the Sentuo Oil Refinery is in the Tema New-  ity was “not in a healthy state”, referring to efforts
                         town Waterland, a wetland catchment of Chemu  to bring it back to capacity following an explo-
                         Lagoon.                              sion at its distillation unit in early 2017.
                           Sentuo’s request for a permit was submitted in   He said that Accra has no intention of scrap-
                         December 2019 as part of plans to create a plant  ping the facility; instead it would call on private
                         with a sour crude processing capacity of 30,000-  sector support in turning TOR into one of the
                         60,000 barrels per day (bpd).        best refineries in West Africa.
                           The chosen plot covers an area of 217 acres   However, he sought to assuage any concerns,
                         (87.8 hectares) which has been leased for a  noting that inviting private sector participation
                         period of 60 years.                  “does not mean [the president] wants the pub-
                           According to correspondence between the  lic sector to collapse. TOR is a strategic national
                         company and the Electricity Company of Ghana,  asset … we will make sure it goes from strength
                         Sentuo had requested the relocation of two elec-  to strength”, Prempeh added.
                         tricity pylons and was due to pay $190,000 for   The 56-year-old facility near Accra has been
                         the work.                            operating at less than half of its nameplate capac-
                           The EPA has identified the area as a wetland  ity over the past four years. TOR went offline in
                         and a buffer zone for flooding, adding that the  July 2020 having run out of crude reserves, only
                         area is too close to Tema Newtown and would  coming back into operation in January this year
                         add to existing congestion.          before being shut down again a month later.
                           As a result, the EPA’s executive director Henry   Prempeh said: “We want to see TOR export-
                         Kokofu told local media outlet Citi News: “We  ing crude from Ghana that has been refined”,
                         found [the project] not to be compatible with  adding that refining crude domestically is
                         the location. Even though we are yet to com-  “where the money is to be made”.
                         municate our findings … the possibility that we   Later in March, a source was quoted by
                         will not grant it is quite high given the evidence  S&P Global Platts as saying: “The refinery has
                         available to us.”                    resumed processing after days of some mainte-
                           Tema is the location of Ghana’s only  nance to correct some few issues.”™

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