Page 13 - MEOG Week 10 2022
P. 13
ADNOC awards
contract for Bab EOR
UAE THE onshore-focused arm of state-owned Abu the Thamama-A, Thamama-B and Thamama-H
Dhabi National Oil Co. (ADNOC) this week production zones at Habshan.
announced the award of a contract to carry out This week’s award comes amid a spate of con-
enhanced oil recovery (EOR) work at the Emir- tracting activity by ADNOC, which is working
ates’ key Bab oilfield. to increase its sustainable oil production capacity
ADNOC said via social media that a $227mn to 5mn bpd by 2030, with the current level sitting
contract had been awarded by ADNOC Onshore around 4.2mn bpd.
to local contractor Robt Stone Middle East to Since November, the company has agreed
increase oil production from the field, which preliminary deals worth more than $8bn cover-
has a capacity of around 450,000 barrels per day ing the maintenance and expansion of capabil-
(bpd) of light, sour Murban crude, which has ities at the country’s on- and offshore oilfields.
an API gravity of 40.5°. On March 5 ADNOC Long-term deals have been signed with subsid-
increased its official selling prices (OSP) for the iaries and local agents of Halliburton, Schlum-
month by nearly $9 per barrel as buyers look for berger and TechnipFMC Weatherford, as well
alternatives to Russian crudes. as with its own drilling arm ADNOC Drilling
Alluding to “first-of-its-kind technology” and BakerHughes, which holds a 5% share in the
designed by ADNOC, the announcement said: Emirati driller.
“the technology will use advanced polymers ADNOC Drilling is the largest driller in the
and [carbon dioxide (CO2)] captured from region and has a fleet of 107 rigs, 96 of which are
[ADNOC’s] carbon capture, utilization and stor- owned, and 11 rigs rented. These comprise 75
age (CCUS) facility, Al Reyadah”. onshore rigs, 20 offshore jack-up rigs, 11 island
It said this would boost Bab’s recoverable rigs and a self-propelled barge.
reserves “up to 70% while unlocking additional Smaller well testing deals were signed with
barrels of Murban crude”. NESR Energy Services, Al-Mansoori Produc-
In late 2017, China Petroleum Engineering & tion Services and Al Ahlia Oilfields Develop-
Construction Co. (CPECC) won a $1.5bn-plus ment Co. which will run for up to five years.
engineering, procurement and construction In January, the local National Petroleum
(EPC) contract for the Bab Integrated Facili- Construction Co. (NPCC) won a $946mn EPC
ties project to increase production capacity and to maintain production at the offshore Umm
extend the life of the ageing field, which has been Shaif oilfield at 275,000 bpd, with ADNOC Off-
on stream since 1958. The project focused on the shore working to increase its contribution to the
expansion of integrated processing facilities at national total to 2mn bpd.
Week 10 09•March•2022 www. NEWSBASE .com P13