Page 4 - MEOG Week 10 2022
P. 4

MEOG                                          COMMENTARY                                               MEOG

       Iraq holds project talks

       with Chevron, TotalEnergies

       The Iraqi Ministry of Oil has held talks with new members of the country’s
       list of IOC operators as it maintains the push to increase oil production.

        IRAQ             THE Iraqi Ministry of Oil (MoO) has held talks  the tribe have been staging protests for almost
                         with its two newest major IOC partners at the  three weeks at Nasiriyah’s gas isolation station at
                         ongoing CERA Week in Houston as it seeks to  Kati’ah, demanding employment and the estab-
       WHAT:             ensure progress on projects that are key to the  lishment of a new military regiment that will
       Houston was the venue   development of the country’s energy sector.    employ those without qualifications.
       for the discussions   The talks focused on ongoing negotiations   According to DQOC, Nasiriyah resumed
       relating to projects   with US major Chevron for the development  production at a rate of 40,000 barrels per day,
       that will directly lead   of a southern oilfield and the implementation  half of its 80,000 bpd capacity. A framework for
       to a small increase in   of a broad deal signed last year with French  the development was agreed in 2020 which was
       oil output but that will   super-major TotalEnergies.   to include the development of a 150,000 bpd
       be critical to larger                                  refinery as well as the exploitation of Nasiriyah’s
       increases elsewhere in   Chevron approach              4.36bn barrel reserves to raise capacity to at least
       the country.      According to a statement from the MoO seen  100,000 bpd.
                         by NewsBase, Oil Minister Ihsan Abdul Jabbar   Sources said subsequently that that the first
       WHY:              held talks with Chevron’s vice-president of busi-  stage of the plan was to assess previous explora-
       Talks with Chevron has   ness development and the company’s president  tion work carried out in the region by the Iraqi
       been ongoing for around   of E&P in Africa and Latin America, Clay Neff,  Oil Exploration Co. (IOEC) to determine the
       two years, while the MoO   regarding the development of the Nasiriyah oil-  area for development. From that point, the aim
       spoke out recently to   field in the southern Dhi Qar Governorate.    would be to proceed to expand production at
       deny rumours the deal   The ministry said that Abdul Jabbar had  Dhi Qar from the current level of around 200,000
       with TotalEnergies was   been told that the US firm was in the “advanced”  bpd – mainly from Nasiriyah and the Subba oil-
       foundering over contract   stages of negotiating an agreement with Dhi  field – to a seemingly unlikely 1mn bpd.
       terms.            Qar Oil Co. (DQOC), a subsidiary of the Iraqi   The field was discovered 200 km north-west
                         National Oil Co. (INOC), relating to Nasiriyah  of Basra by the previous iteration of INOC in
       WHAT NEXT:        and the “construction of the infrastructure for oil  1978, though production did not commence
       Getting IOC buy-in is   and gas production”.           until 2009, mainly because of the Iran-Iraq war.
       critical to the expansion   DQOC shut the field in late February after   Chevron has previous involvement with
       of nearly all of Iraq’s top   protesters from the al-Bedor tribe blocked work-  Nasiriyah, having been among four companies
       oilfields.        ers’ access to the site but resumed production  to submit bids to develop the field on an engi-
                         on March 4 after roads reopened. Members of  neering, procurement and construction (EPC)

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 10   09•March•2022
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