Page 12 - MEOG Week 21 2021
P. 12
First well comes up dry in
Oman’s offshore Block 52
OMAN A consortium led by Italian major Eni failed to South (GAS) discovery in the adjacent Block 50
find hydrocarbons with its first well in Oman’s to the north by Singaporean-owned Masirah Oil
offshore Block 52, according to the Sultanate’s oil Ltd (MOL) in 2014. MOL concluded a five-well
minister, Mohammed Al-Ruhmy. drilling campaign around GAS, now known as
In an interview with S&P Global Platts, he Yumna field, in April this year, which included
said: “[Regarding the] offshore project, the first two development wells and three exploration
well was unfortunately unsuccessful. But there wells.
are many other structures and Eni is looking at Yumna is thought to hold around 9.6mn
those structures with a plan to drill next year.” stock tank barrels of proven plus probable (2P)
While Eni has not yet commented, the min- reserves, according to a qualified person’s report
ister added that the Italian firm “also has an (QPR); however, Rex has previously said that
onshore block, we are looking at drilling explo- the QPR covered only 9% of Block 50, for which
ration wells onshore as well”. Aker Geo and Pareto in 2012 estimated best
In November 2017, Eni took an operated 55% estimate gross unrisked prospective resources at
stake in the Block 52 exploration and produc- more than 4bn barrels.
tion-sharing agreement (EPSA) alongside Qatar The company upgraded the capacity of its
Petroleum with 30% and the state-owned OQ, production facilities to 30,000 barrels per day
then Oman Oil Company Exploration & Pro- (bpd) to cater to growing output from its three
duction (OOCEP), with 15%. Yumna production wells after successfully drill-
At the time of signing the contract, the ing two development wells.
partners stated their intention to conduct a 3D MOL said: “The three wells were tested stead-
seismic survey and drill one well in the initial ily over a week at rates of 20,000 [bpd] in March
exploration period. 2021 and the production rate has since then been
Hopes around the 90,000-square km block, optimised in accordance with the reservoir man-
formerly operated by Ireland’s Circle Oil, were agement plan, aimed at maximising recovery
believed to rest heavily on the success of the GA from the Yumna field.”
P12 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 21 26•May•2021