Page 14 - MEOG Week 21 2021
P. 14

MEOG                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                              MEOG

       POLICY                              the 2021 national budget, accusing Baghdad   federal and regional governments reached
                                           of not fulfilling its obligations despite Erbil’s   an agreement on some issues of dispute,
       Russia offers cooperation           commitment to the legislation.       namely oil sales and non-oil revenues, in a
                                                                                step that KRG officials said at the time would
                                             “The Iraqi government has not committed
       with Saudi Arabia on                to implementing the budget law, nor has it   help reduce immediate tensions between
                                                                                them and pave the way for resolving other
                                           sent financial dues to the region,” said Hemin
       hydrogen production                 Hawrami at a press conference held in Erbil.  disagreements.
                                                                                  Previously, Kurdistan Region Prime
                                             This comes just after the Kurdistan
       Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexander   Regional Government’s (KRG) Deputy Prime   Minister Masrour Barzani praised the
       Novak on Tuesday offered to work with   Minister Qubad Talabani had announced that   approval of the federal budget and said it
       Saudi Arabia on hydrogen production,   talks between Erbil and Baghdad, ostensibly   helped restore a “glimmer of hope” to relations
       speaking during an online meeting of the   just to iron out technical details for the   with the federal government.
       intergovernmental commission of Russia and   budget’s implementation, had not stopped   KURDISTAN24
       Saudi Arabia.                       and that a government delegation would be
         “We have a proposal to create a working   traveling to Baghdad to discuss reasons for the
       group on hydrogen energy,” Novak said.  delay.                           COMPANIES
         Hydrogen has gained traction as the future   Read More: Kurdistan Region delegation
       green fuel of choice, increasingly touted as a   will return to Baghdad next week for talks on   KOC awards its largest
       way to decarbonise emissions-intensive heavy   budget, salaries
       industry and transportation.          In March, the Iraqi parliament voted on   environment project
         Oil and gas rich Russia has been slow in   the federal budget, including the Kurdistan
       developing production of hydrogen gas, a   Region’s share, after often tense negotiations   Kuwait Oil Co. (KOC) has awarded its largest
       fuel that emits only water vapor and warm air   spanning for several months. In the weeks that  environmental project for cleaning polluted
       when burned, rather than carbon dioxide.  followed, the Iraqi president then signed the   soil at a total cost of more than KD1 billion
         Saudi Arabia, which plans to diversify the   bill into effect.         to various local and international companies,
       economy, is considering several large-scale   “The Iraqi government has not sent a single  reports Al-Anba daily quoting sources.
       project to produce hydrogen.        dinar” since the approval of the 2021 budget,   Sources revealed the Central Agency for
         Novak said that both Russia and Saudi   Hawrami stated, adding that the KRG has also   Public Tenders (CAPT) has agreed to award
       Arabia have great potential to develop   never received its monthly allotments for up   five stages of the project – which is considered
       traditional and renewable sources of energy.  to a year in 2020 and early 2021.    one of the largest in the world – to local
       REUTERS                               The overall budget amounted to 164.4   and international companies; affirming the
                                           trillion dinars, about $112 billion, and a fiscal   contracts will be signed within the next two
       Baghdad yet to send ‘a              deficit of 63 trillion dinars, or roughly $43   weeks.
                                                                                  Sources told the daily that the North
       single dinar’ since passage         issues regarding multiple issues including law   Kuwait Drilling, Transport and Processing
                                             There are indeed still pending technical
                                                                                Project is divided into two sites with a total
       of 2021 budget                      enforcement mechanisms in both Iraq and   value of $381.58 million.
                                           the Kurdistan Region, but Kurdish officials
                                                                                  The first site (Zone One) was awarded
       The deputy speaker of the Kurdistan   have consistently argued that this is in no way   to the alliance of Khaled Ali Al-Kharafiand
       Region’s parliament said on Tuesday that   a legitimate excuse for not transferring the   Brothers for Construction Contracting and
       the autonomous region has still not received   funds, in particular those earmarked to pay   Lamor Corporation as per the terms and
       finance disbursements it is owed by the federal  KRG government salaries.  specifications for a total amount of $193.58
       government in Baghdad since the approval of   The budget was approved after the   million.

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 21   26•May•2021
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