Page 19 - LatAmOil Week 50 2020
P. 19

LatAmOil                                    NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil


       Petrobras starts

       non-binding phase
       of Marlim Cluster sale

       Petrobras, following up on the release disclosed
       on November 16, 2020, informs the beginning
       of the non-binding phase regarding the sale
       of 50% of its stakes in the concessions of Mar-
       lim, Voador, East Marlim and South Marlim,
       together called the Marlim Cluster, located pre-
       dominantly in deep waters in the Campos Basin.
         Potential buyers qualified for this phase will
       receive instructions on the divestment process,
       including guidelines for the preparation and  located in the Sergipe-Alagoas Basin, in the State  transaction was concluded with the payment of
       submission of non-binding proposals, as well  of Sergipe.                $2.571mn to Petrobras, already with the adjust-
       as access to a virtual data room containing addi-  The sale value is $ 1.5mn, paid in a single  ments foreseen in the contract. The amount
       tional information about the Cluster. The main  installment in the contract signature. The clos-  received at the closing is added to the amount of
       subsequent stages of the project will be reported  ing of the transaction is subject to the fulfillment  $602,000 paid to Petrobras at the signing of the
       to the market in due course.        of previous conditions, such as the non-exercise  sales contract, totaling $3.173mn.
         The Marlim Cluster comprises four produc-  of preferential rights by the current consortium   This disclosure complies with the Petrobras’
       tion concessions located in the Campos Basin.  Petrom and the approval by the National Petro-  internal rules and with the provisions of the
       Petrobras is the operator with 100% stake.  leum, Natural Gas and Biofuels Agency (ANP).  special procedure for assignment of rights to
         The Marlim and Voador fields occupy an   This disclosure is in accordance with Petro-  exploration, development and production of oil,
       area of 339.3 square km and are located in deep  bras’ internal rules and with the provisions of  natural gas and other fluid hydrocarbons, pro-
       waters, with water depth ranging from 400  the special procedure for assignment of rights  vided for in Decree 9,355/2018.
       metres to 1,050 metres, at a distance of about  on exploration, development and production   This transaction is in line with the portfolio
       150 km from Macaé, on the northern coast of the  of oil, natural gas and other fluid hydrocarbons,  optimisation strategy and the improvement of
       state of Rio de Janeiro. Marlim and Voador share  provided for in Decree 9,355/2018.  the company’s capital allocation, increasingly
       the production infrastructure and, between Jan-  The Rabo Branco field is part of the  concentrating its resources in world-class assets
       uary and November 2020, produced an average  BT-SEAL-13 concession. The concession is  in deep and ultra-deep waters, where Petrobras
       of 65,300 bpd of oil and 885,000 cubic metres per  located south of the Carmópolis field, in the Ser-  has demonstrated great competitive edge over
       day of gas.                         gipe-Alagoas Basin, Sergipe State. Petrobras has  the years.
         The Marlim Leste field is located east of the  a 50% stake in the Rabo Branco field, in part-  The onshore fields called Conceicao, Quer-
       Marlim field, at a distance of about 107 km from  nership with Petrom, which is the Operator and  era, Fazenda Matinha and Fazenda Santa Rosa
       Cabo de São Tomé, located in deep and ultra-  holds the remaining 50%. The average oil pro-  are located about 110 km from the city of Salva-
       deep waters, with water depth ranging from 780  duction of the field, from January to October  dor. The average production of these fields from
       metres to 2,000 metres. From January to Novem-  2020, was 138 bpd.       January to October 2020 was approximately
       ber 2020, Marlim Leste produced an average of   Petrom started to operate the field on Feb-  24,300 cubic metres per day of natural gas (153
       39,400 bpd of oil and 633,000 cubic metres per  ruary 12, 2020, after approval by the ANP of  boepd), with no oil production. After the con-
       day of gas.                         the assignment of rights of Petrogal Brasil, the  clusion of the sale, Eagle will hold 100% interest
         The Marlim Sul field is located south of the  result of a private negotiation between the com-  in these concessions.
       Marlim and Marlim Leste fields, at a distance of  panies not related to the process conducted by   Petrobras, December 13 2020
       about 90 km from the northern coast of Rio de  Petrobras.
       Janeiro, located in deep and ultra-deep waters, in   Petrobras, December 13 2020
       water depth that vary from 800 metres to 2,500                           FINANCE
       metres and produced on average, from January   Petrobras concludes
       to November 2020, about 109,600 bpd of oil and                           Ecopetrol set to invest
       2.073mn cubic metres per day of gas.  the sale of onshore fields
       Petrobras, December 14 2020                                              $3.5-$4.0bn in 2021
       Petrobras signs contract for        in the Tucano Basin                  The investment plan approved by the Board of
                                           Petrobras, following up on the release disclosed  Directors is oriented towards restoring the Eco-
       onshore field in Sergipe            on September 3, 2020, informs that it has con-  petrol Business growth’s path, increasing com-
                                           cluded the sale of 100% of its stakes in four  petitiveness, strengthening the energy transition
       Petrobras, following up on the release disclosed  onshore fields, located in the Tucano Basin, in  of the Ecopetrol Business Group, and enhancing
       on March 1, 2020, has signed with Energizzi  the state of Bahia, to Eagle Exploracao de Oleo  its sustainability agenda through positive social
       Energias do Brasil a contract for the sale of its  e Gas.                and environmental impact in the communities
       entire stake in the onshore field of Rabo Branco,   After fulfilling all the previous conditions, the  where the Company operates.

       Week 50   17•December•2020               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P19
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