Page 18 - FSUOGM Week 01 2021
P. 18

FSUOGM                                 PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                        FSUOGM

       Gazprom strikes short-term supply

       deals with Armenia, Moldova

        RUSSIA           RUSSIA’S Gazprom has agreed short-term   Energy bills are political sensitive, and so
                         extensions to its gas supply contracts with Arme-  authorities in Yerevan will be keen to secure a
       The extensions give   nia and Moldova, providing more time to nego-  reduction in prices. The government is currently
       negotiators extra time   tiate long-term agreements.   facing mass protests over the November cease-
       to agree long-term   The state gas exporter has extended its con-  fire deal with Azerbaijan, under which it ceded
       arrangements.     tract with Armenia for deliveries until the end  territory in the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh
                         of March. The contract had been due to expire at  region.
                         the end of December.                   Gazprom agreed a longer contract exten-
                           Gazprom has a monopoly over gas supplies  sion of one year with Moldovan gas distributor
                         in Armenia, with deliveries amounting to nearly  Moldovagaz, until the end of 2021. Moldovan
                         2.2bn cubic metres in 2019. Its supply contract is  authorities have said the country will pay $120-
                         with Gazprom Armenia, a 100%-owned subsid-  122 per 1,000 cubic metres for gas in the first
                         iary that distributes gas in the South Caucasus  quarter.
                         country. But Armenian authorities also have a   Gazprom is also Moldova's sole supplier,
                         say in price negotiations.           making deliveries under a 2008 contract
                           The two sides’ previous long-term contract  under which prices are indexed to inter-
                         ran between 2014 and 2019, after which they  national oil prices. The contract has been
                         agreed a one-year deal. Gazprom has sold its gas  repeatedly extended, typically on an annual
                         at a fixed price of $165 per 1,000 cubic metres  basis.
                         since the start of 2019, even though international   Gazprom and Moldovagaz began negotiating
                         gas prices have seen a significant decline over the  a new three-year contract last summer, with the
                         past two years because of higher LNG produc-  Moldovan side seeking a deal that bases prices
                         tion and a slowdown in Asian demand growth.  not only on oil benchmarks but also on gas spot
                         As such, Armenian authorities have called for  market prices. The two sides agreed on the one-
                         prices to better reflect market trends.  year extension after failing to make a break-
                           Armenia’s government confirmed on Decem-  through in talks.
                         ber 31 that Russia would continue supplying gas   Gazprom is Moldovagaz’s majority owner
                         at the $165 price over the next three months. Gaz-  with a 51% interest, while the Moldovan govern-
                         prom Armenia sells these volumes to consumers  ment has 35% and authorities in the breakaway
                         at a considerably higher price of $285.  Transnistria region hold 15%.™

       P18                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 01   06•January•2021
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