Page 22 - FSUOGM Week 01 2021
P. 22
Lukoil brings next Bolshekhetskaya
field into trial flow
RUSSIA RUSSIA’S Lukoil has launched trial operations at growth was driven by higher output at Lukoil’s
its latest project in the Bolshekhetskaya Depres- projects in Uzbekistan, which accounted for
The Bolshekhetskaya sion of Western Siberia. around 40% of its total supply, while its Russian
Depression comprises In a statement on December 28, the private oil production was unchanged at around 17.8 bcm.
six Lukoil fields in the producer said it had started pilot production at In contrast, Lukoil suffered a 19% decline in
east of the Yamalo- the Khalmerpayutinskoye gas condensate field. gas extraction in the first nine months of this
Nenets region. Two wells are flowing at a daily rate of 395,000 year, after China cut purchases from its Uzbek
cubic metres of gas and 31 tonnes of condensate, fields because of the impact of the coronavirus
it said. The project also hosts a gas treatment (COVID-19) pandemic.
unit, a gas-fired power station, gas gathering
systems, a methanol pipeline and other facilities. Gazprom partnership
The Bolshekhetskaya Depression comprises Lukoil also announced a deal on December 21
six Lukoil fields in the east of the Yamalo-Nenets outlining terms and conditions to develop two
region. These deposits are expected to be a key more gas fields in the Nenets region of north-
driver of growth for the company’s gas produc- ern Russia jointly with national gas producer
tion over the coming years, with Wood Macken- Gazprom.
zie estimating they could flow up to 20bn cubic The Vaneyvisskoye and Layavozhskoye fields
metres of gas per year. lie near both Lukoil's and Gazprom’s assets, and
Nakhodkinskoye, the largest of the fields, was are estimated to hold over 225 bcm of gas and
brought into operation in 2005. Lukoil went on 27.4mn tonnes (200mn barrels) of oil in recover-
to start oil production at the Pyakyakhinskoye able reserves, according to the partners.
field in 2016, followed by gas extraction at the Gazprom secured licences for the fields in
site the following year. Yuzhno-Messoyakhskoye 2016 after paying RUB23.4bn ($375mn) in a
then entered trial operations in December last fierce auction in which it beat rival bids from
year. Lukoil as well as state oil giant Rosneft. It has
Lukoil plans to drill a total of four wells at been discussing joint development with Lukoil
Khalmerpayutinskoye, and then decide on fur- since 2018. The plan is to flow the fields’ gas into
ther development based on flow results. The Gazprom’s transmission system while deliver-
company, while mainly oil-focused, lifted 35 ing their oil using Lukoil’s infrastructure in the
bcm of gas in 2019, up 4.5% year on year. But area.
Uzbekistan starts up $982mn ammonia
and urea complex
UZBEKISTAN UZBEKISTAN`S state-owned enterprise Uzkimyosanoat.
Uzkimyosanoat has announced the commis- ‘This world-class industrial facility is another
The plant will process sioning of its new $982mn ammonia and urea step towards natural gas monetization via the
natural gas into production complex at Navoiyazot. production of export-oriented and high val-
fertilisers. Navoiyazot is one of Uzbekistan’s largest ue-added products – and the first urea produc-
chemical plants. It produces mineral fertilizers tion is a milestone achievement’, he added.
by processing natural gas. Construction of the The new complex has the capacity to produce
new, world-class complex began in September 660,000 tonnes of ammonia and 577,500 tonnes
2016 to replace two outdated and energy ineffi- of urea per year.
cient facilities built in the 1960s. The new com- The new product is expected to be exported
plex produced its first urea on December 23. to neighbouring countries in the region, as well
‘I would like to thank our national and inter- as Turkey, Ukraine, and Georgia.
national partners who supported the construc- It was financed by the loans of Japanese banks
tion of the new ammonia and urea production worth $577mn, including the loan of the Fund
complex at Navoiyazot. Commissioning of for reconstruction and development of Uzbek-
the new complex was completed within 53 istan at $320mn.
days despite Covid and existing restrictions, Additional cooperation was provided by a con-
a testament to the hard work of all involved’, sortium of Japanese companies, Mitsubishi Heavy
said Jurabek Mirzamakhmudov, Chairman of Industries Ltd and Mitsubishi Corporation.
P22 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 01 06•January•2021