Page 5 - FSUOGM Week 01 2021
P. 5

FSUOGM                                       COMMENTARY                                            FSUOGM

       OMV Petrom exits Kazakhstan,

       sets sights on Black Sea

       OMV Petrom is leaving the Central Asian country after two decades

        KAZAKHSTAN       AUSTRO-ROMANIAN oil firm OMV Petrom
                         has struck a deal to exit Kazakhstan after over
       WHAT:             two decades working in the country, as it looks
       OMV Petrom has agreed   to shift its focus to operations in the Black Sea.
       to sell its Tasbulat and   OMV Petrom has agreed to sell 100% inter-
       Komsomolskoye assets in   ests in Kazakh subsidiaries Kom-Munai and
       western Kazakhstan.  Tasbulat Oil to a private company based in
                         Nur-Sultan called Magnetic Oil. Kom-Munai
       WHY:              controls the Komsomolskoye oilfield in Kazakh-
       The company has not   stan’s Mangistau Province bordering the Caspian
       seen further expansion in   Sea, while Tasbulat Oil manages the nearby Tas-
       Kazakhstan and wants to   bulat concession containing the Aktas, Tasbulat  recognised the damage such policies have
       concentrate on the Black   and Turkmenoi deposits.     caused, with a parliamentary committee voting
       Sea instead.        The fields produced some 6,450 barrels of oil  in late August to reverse some of the negative
                         equivalent per day (boepd) last year, equivalent  changes in the legislation. But the revisions are
       WHAT NEXT:        to 4% of OMV Petrom’s total output. Most oil is  yet to become law.
       OMV Petrom's flagship   pumped via the Uzen-Atyrau-Samara pipeline to   Despite difficulties, though, OMV Petrom
       project moving forward is   Russian ports, while the rest is sold domestically.  earlier this year acquired a 43% stake in the Han
       Neptun Deep off Romania.  OMV Petrom, whose largest owner is Aus-  Asparuh block in Bulgarian waters adjacent to
                         trian oil group OMV, entered Kazakhstan in  Neptun Deep from its parent OMV. An oil dis-
                         1998. Its withdrawal now comes after a number  covery was made at the Total-operated site in
                         of years of disappointing investments in the Cen-  2015, and OMV Petrom’s move appears aimed
                         tral Asian country.                  at improving Neptun Deep’s economic case by
                           Production rates at the Tasbulat fields have  adding more resources to the project.
                         been constrained by operational issues, includ-  OMV Petrom also won a contest in June to
                         ing pipeline leaks and unsuccessful drilling.  explore a 5,282-square km area offshore Georgia,
                         Meanwhile, a water injection programme at the  and began negotiations for a production-sharing
                         larger Komsomolskoye field has failed to boost  agreement (PSA) for the site in October. Unlike
                         output as hoped.                     Bulgaria and Romania, Georgia is yet to make
                           OMV Petrom’s production in Kazakhstan has  any oil and gas finds in the Black Sea.
                         been in decline for several years. It first emerged   Austria’s OMV holds a 51% stake in OMV
                         that the company was seeking a buyer for the  Petrom, while the Romanian state controls
                         assets in January, with US investment bank  20.6% and state-backed investment fund Fondul
                         Jefferies hired to assist with the sales process.  Proprietatea owns 10%. The remaining equity is
                         Despite its setbacks, OMV Petrom said at the  split between smaller shareholders.
                         time that the assets had “growth opportunities”,   The company is the largest oil and gas pro-
                         including from improved oil recovery.  ducer in south-eastern Europe, but most of the
                           “The business has been stable, but no further  roughly 150,000 boepd of oil and gas it produces
                         in-country expansion has been realised in the  is at mature onshore fields in Romania. Until its
                         last few years, and OMV Petrom has decided to  Bulgarian acquisition, its international upstream
                         shift the focus of its international upstream busi-  footprint was limited to Kazakhstan.
                         ness to the Black Sea,” the company said.  Like parent OMV, OMV Petrom appears to
                                                              be shifting its focus from oil to gas, given that the
                         Black ops                            Black Sea is very gas prone. Besides Bulgaria and
                         OMV Petrom’s prize asset is an 84bn cubic metre  Romania, Turkey is also hoping to establish gas
                         gas discovery at the Neptun Deep block in the  production in the Black Sea after making what it
                         Romanian Black Sea, where it is partnered with  claims to be a 405 bcm discovery at the Tuna-1
                         US major ExxonMobil. The project has been in  well in August. Ukraine and Russia have also
                         limbo ever since Romania’s government intro-  found gas reserves offshore.
                         duced a controversial offshore law in late 2018   Gas is widely forecast to see much stronger
                         imposing extra tax and sales restrictions on gas  growth in demand over the coming decades
                         producers.                           than oil, which is expected to cede ground in the
                           Romanian authorities appear to have  energy mix to cleaner fuels. ™

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