Page 85 - Russia OUTLOOK 2023
P. 85

China may soon surpass the entire European Union in terms of gas
                                      consumption if the decline in demand in Europe continues, deputy
                                      department head at Gazprom Kirill Polous said on December 15. "China's gas
                                      demand has grown at an astonishing rate of more than 13% per year since the
                                      turn of the century. During this time, China's gas consumption increased by
                                      over 350 bcm. If European gas demand continues to diminish, it is extremely
                                      likely that, in the near future, China's yearly gas consumption will exceed that
                                      of the EU," he said, adding that by the end of 2022, China's gas consumption
                                      is projected to be 375 bcm. By 2040, gas consumption in China may increase
                                      to 700 bcm, China's import potential will more than double up to 330 bcm, he

                                      Russia’s gas producers other than Gazprom increased production. Gas
                                      production by Rosneft (including shares in joint ventures) in
                                      January-November rose by 15.2% to 61.8 bcm. Novatek’s output grew by
                                      2.1% to 76.3 bcm, Gazprom Neft’s by 17.1% to 46.4 bcm. Tatneft's production
                                      increased by 8.5% to 835.8 mcm.

                                      Of the major independent gas producers, production was reduced by Lukoil
                                      (by 0.8% to 18.7 bcm), Surgutneftegaz (by 8.9% to 7.6 bcm) and the
                                      Independent Oil and Gas Company (by 3.1% to 6.2 bcm). Gas production
                                      under production-sharing agreements (Sakhalin-1, Sakhalin-2 and
                                      Kharyaginskoye PSA projects) decreased by 13% to 22.7 bcm, the
                                      interlocutors of Vedomosti reported.

                                      According to Vedomosti's calculations, in general, the production of all
                                      independent producers for 11 months in aggregate reached 236 bcm, an
                                      increase of 4.6% y/y.

                                      In 2023, if the current geopolitical situation continues, according to
                                      Alfa-Bank, the decline in exports will persist – it may fall by more than
                                      28%, or by about 28 bcm. This will mean that the decline in gas production in
                                      Russia next year will be at least 4%. “However, in the event of a further
                                      slowdown in the Russian economy and a possible decrease in the production
                                      of gas chemical products, this estimate may turn out to be too optimistic, and
                                      the real decline in production in 2023 will be up to 10%,” the expert concludes.


                                      In 2022, Russia increased oil production by 2%, to 535mn tonnes, and in
                                      the top four producers, only the sanctioned Rosneft reduced production, writes
                                      Kommersant. Exports to non-CIS countries via pipelines and the sea as a
                                      whole expanded by almost 19% during the year, to 207mn tonnes.

                                      But it seems that this is the last year of growth. Under the conditions of the

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