Page 6 - GLNG Week 19 2021
P. 6

GLNG                                          COMMENTARY                                               GLNG

       Sinopec chases new opportunities

       in China’s expanding gas sector

       The Chinese company has outlined an ambitious investment plan for the next five years as

       it seeks to pivot towards LNG imports

        INVESTMENT       CHINA’S campaign to increase domestic natural  looking to capitalise on the country’s rising
                         gas consumption in order to help achieve press-  dependence on imports.
       WHAT:             ing environmental goals will leave the country
       The company will invest   heavily reliant on imports in the coming years.  Sinopec strategy
       nearly $31bn in its gas   State-run Sinopec Corp. has announced plans  Sinopec will set up a new gas subsidiary and
       business by 2025.  to invest CNY200bn ($30.93bn) over the next  increase its overall gas trading volume to 100bn
                         five years in its natural gas business. The com-  cubic metres by 2025 from 44.5 bcm in 2020,
       WHY:              pany, which wants to more than double its gas  Caixan quoted the chief engineer of the com-
       Sinopec wants to more   trading business by 2025, has signalled that the  pany’s existing gas business, Mou Haiyong, as
       than double its gas   state majors’ biggest gas sector opportunities lie  saying on May 5.
       trading volume to 100   in building out LNG import capacity.  He added that the company wanted to have
       bcm by 2025.        The pivot towards regasification terminals  10 LNG projects underway by 2025, with a total
                         comes after the Big Three majors – China  receiving capacity of nearly 40mn tonnes per
       WHAT NEXT:        National Petroleum Corp. (CNPC), Sinopec and  year (tpy), up nearly 200% on current capacity.
       Limited domestic   China National Offshore Oil Corp. (CNOOC) –  The executive said Sinopec would also extend its
       resources mean China’s   were forced to sell their pipelines to state-owned  network of feeder pipelines to 8,787 km, a 450%
       reliance on LNG imports   pipeline operator PipeChina last year.  increase on its current length.
       will soar.          PipeChina was created in pursuit of a national   While the company saw modest growth in
                         transmission strategy guided by a singular  gas production last year, Sinopec remains con-
                         agenda rather than competing corporate inter-  fident of delivering stronger growth figures in
                         ests. The company is supposed to improve the  2021.
                         prospects of both private and foreign invest-  Sinopec produced 1.1 trillion cubic feet (31.15
                         ment in the upstream as well as those of buyers  bcm) of gas in 2020, up 2.3% year on year. Pro-
                         at the other end.                    duction in the first quarter, however, expanded
                           The State-owned Assets Supervision and  by 16.8% y/y to 291.6bn cubic feet (8.26 bcm)
                         Administration Commission (SASAC) owns  and the company expects to produce 34 bcm of
                         the largest stake in PipeChina, at 30%, and sits  gas this year – a 9.1% increase y/y.
                         in the driver’s seat.                 The deputy head of Sinopec’s finance depart-
                           Unable to profit from their midstream gas  ment, Song Zhenguo, said during a conference
                         networks anymore, the Big Three are now  call on April 29 that production was projected

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