Page 8 - GLNG Week 19 2021
P. 8
Petrofac wins contract from BP to
develop procedures for GTA project
PROJECTS & UK-BASED Petrofac has won a contract from is believed to hold some 15 trillion cubic feet
COMPANIES BP (UK) for services related to the Grand Tor- (425bn cubic metres) of natural gas. Commer-
tue/Ahmeyim (GTA) project offshore Senegal cial development is slated to begin in 2023 and
and Mauritania. the partners intend to use gas from GTA to sup-
According to a company statement released port an LNG project.
earlier this week, the contract covers the devel- To this end, they have arranged for Bermu-
opment of operational procedures at the GTA da-registered Golar LNG to convert the Gimi
licence area. Petrofac said it would be devel- LNG tanker into a floating gas liquefaction
oping a framework for all offshore operations, plant, known as an FLNG vessel, with a pro- Commercial
including work on subsea facilities, an LNG duction capacity of 2.5mn tonnes per year (tpy).
hub and the floating production, storage and The FLNG unit will process gas extracted from development is
off-loading (FPSO) vessel that will be stationed the block by a floating production, storage and
at the block. off-loading (FPSO) vessel. slated to begin
The procedures will be designed to minimise
BP’s US-based partner Kosmos Energy
risks and prevent harm to the project’s personnel reported earlier this week that work on the in 2023 and the
and physical structures, as well as the environ- first phase of this gas production and LNG partners intend to
ment, it added. project was already 58% complete. There has
Petrofac did not reveal the value of the deal been “material progress across all of the major use gas from GTA
or say when it expected to finish drawing up the workstreams, including the FPSO, floating LNG
procedures. vessel, hub terminal (concrete breakwater) and to support an LNG
Steve Webber, the company’s senior subsea infrastructure,” the company said in its
vice-president of operations, expressed satisfac- first-quarter earnings statement. “The partner- project.
tion with the new contract. “BP is an important, ship is targeting phase one to be around 80%
long-standing client, and we look forward to complete by year-end.”
supporting them in operating safely and respon- Kosmos also said it expected to wrap up
sibly in their delivery of the GTA Phase 1 Project, negotiations with Golar LNG on the Gimi con-
which is creating a new LNG hub in Africa,” he version project on schedule in the second quar-
said. ter of 2021. “The process remains on track, with
GTA is an ultra-deepwater block that strad- documentation being finalised and the govern-
dles the maritime border between Maurita- ment approval process well underway,” it said in
nia and Senegal. It was discovered in 2015 and its statement.
P8 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 19 14•May•2021