Page 16 - DMEA Week 23 2021
P. 16
NewsBase Roundup Global (NRG)
NRG WELCOME to NewsBase’s Roundup Global deals between Russian and international com-
(NRG), in which the reader is invited to join panies aimed at tackling emissions.
our team of international editors, who provide a Russia has promoted SPIEF as the “largest
snapshot of some of the key issues affecting their post-pandemic meeting,” estimating ahead of
regional beats. the event that 5,000 delegates would attend.
We hope you will like NRG’s new concise for-
mat, but by clicking on the headline link for each GLNG: FSRU online offshore Argentina
section the full text will be available as before. Excelerate Energy announced last week that its
Exemplar floating storage and regasification
AfrOil: Savannah seeks ExxonMobil assets unit had started operations offshore the Argen-
UK-based Savannah Energy is looking to tine port of Bahia Blanca. This brings Argenti-
acquire a package of upstream and midstream na’s LNG import facilities to two, with another
assets in Chad and Cameroon from ExxonMo- Excelerate FSRU already stationed at Escobar
bil (US). In a statement, Savannah said it was in since 2011.
“advanced exclusive discussions” with the US
super-major on the deal, which covers Exxon- LatAmOil: USTDA funds LNG-to-power
Mobil’s entire portfolio in the two countries. US-based Black & Veatch will conduct a feasibil-
ity study of the Andes Energy Terminal (AET)
AsianOil: Japanese firms to leverage CCS project, an LNG-to-power scheme that will
Japanese developers are studying the use of car- serve central and south-western Colombia. The
bon capture and storage technology in domestic costs of the study will be covered by a grant from
upstream projects as they strive to boost output the US Trade and Development Agency (TDA).
while also reducing emissions.
Inpex has teamed up with state-affiliated MEOG: Aramco bond and Turkish gas
Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corp. (JOG- This week’s MEOG covers Saudi Aramco’s latest
MEC) to implement a carbon dioxide (CO2) bond issue and another major gas announce-
enhanced oil recovery pilot test at the Minami- ment by Turkey.
aga oilfield in Niigata Prefecture, they revealed in State-owned Aramco hired a group of banks
a joint statement on June 4. to advise on and arrange its first US dollar-de-
nominated sukuk, with Reuters reporting that a
EurOil: Baltic Pipe setbacks target of $5bn has been set. Meanwhile, Turkish
Denmark’s Environmental and Food Appeals President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced
Board has repealed the country’s Environmental that Turkish Petroleum (TPAO) had struck
Protection Agency’s permit for the onshore part gas with its Amasra-1 exploration well, adding
of the Baltic Pipe, a gas link between Norway 135bn cubic metres of gas to the game-changing
and Poland, the Danish electricity and gas grids Sakarya discovery declared last year.
operator Energinet, which is building the pipe-
line in co-operation with Poland, said on June 3. NorthAmOil: Consolidations not slowing
The board’s decision is a setback for Poland, The wave of consolidation sweeping the US oil
which is building capacity to import gas from and gas industry shows no sign of slowing, with
sources other than Russia. yet more new deals announced in recent days
by shale producers. Civitas Resources, which
FSUOGM: Transition takes centre stage itself is currently in the process of being formed
The energy transition took centre stage at the through the merger of Bonanza Creek Energy
St Petersburg International Economic Forum and Extraction Oil & Gas, has agreed this week
on June 3-5, with the event resulting in a raft of to acquire Crestone Peak Resources.
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