Page 14 - DMEA Week 23 2021
P. 14
the National Economic Council within the Urging the start of government talks with PETROCHEMICALS
Prime Minister’s Office, it comprises the: Bazan to examine the possibility of moving
directors-general of the PMO; ministries of toward cleaner types of industry, the report NPC signs MoU with QMS
environmental protection, energy, economy said the committee had found alternative
and industry, interior, and defense; head of solutions which could be implemented The National Petrochemical Company (NPC)
the Finance Ministry’s Budgets Department; over the coming decade for providing the has signed a memorandum of understanding
heads of the National Security Council, Israeli economy with fuel distillates, liquified (MoU) with the German Institute for
National Economics Council, Israel Lands petroleum gas, bitumen and condensate. Quality Management Services (QMS) as a
Authority and National Planning Council; and It also urged reaching an agreement with representative of the European Foundation for
the attorney general. the KKL-JNF Jewish National Fund to finance Quality Management (EFQM).
It was not immediately clear whether the and develop a metropolitan park. The memorandum was signed on
representatives of the finance and energy Both the energy and finance ministries Wednesday, June 9, at a specialized
ministries inside the committee had opposed took issue with the committee’s opinions on meeting on organizational excellence in the
the report themselves. the Haifa area’s stagnation, asserting that the petrochemical industry between Hassan
The 85-page report (in Hebrew), packed report was not balanced. Abbaszadeh, Director of Planning and
with diagrams and graphs, notes that the bay, The Energy Ministry charged that the Development of the National Petrochemical
home to heavy industry, has great potential petrochemical industry’s contribution to Company, and Markus Gardov, CEO of the
for development thanks to the presence of pollution was “very small,” amounting to German Institute for Quality Management
advanced industry in the area, proximity to 10 percent, compared with other sources of Services (QMS).
leading higher education institutions such as pollution such as marine and road transport. The purpose of signing this training
the Technion Israel Institute of Technology, It criticized using statistics on cancer from memorandum in the field of organizational
the University of Haifa and several hospitals, the past as a basis for future predictions and excellence is to provide training, evaluations
as well as transport connectivity and a diverse asserted that it would be more polluting to and use of database information of the EFQM
population. import benzene than to let local production in the Iranian petrochemical industry.
As in its draft report issued for public of a lighter version continue. Along with Organizational Excellence Meeting
comment in April, it notes stagnation the Finance Ministry, the Energy Ministry in Petrochemical Industry was held on
experienced by Haifa - Israel’s third-largest slammed a public opinion poll carried out Wednesday, in the presence of the CEOs
city - in general and the bay area in particular as part of the committee’s work as slanted to of Iranian petrochemical holdings and
over recent decades, the abnormal quantities disadvantage Bazan. companies as well as several guests from the
of carcinogenic benzene and other chemicals Denying that it opposes developing Board of Directors of the EFQM to present
in the air, and the excess levels of cancer seen Haifa Bay, the Finance Ministry expressed and explain the 2020 edition of the EFQM
close to the industrial zone. In addition, it support for eventually shutting down the Organizational Excellence Model by some of
cites the fact that the Bazan Group has led petrochemical industry. But it said that a 10- its designers.
the list of factories with the most negative year timescale was unrealistic from either an SHANA
environmental impact in Israel for years, economic or a planning standpoint, instead
having repeatedly violated emissions permits recommending a slower, more considered
and licenses - 150 times between 2017 and approach, without a deadline at this stage.
2019 alone. It also stressed the bay’s location TIMES OF ISRAEL
on an active earthquake fault.
P14 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 23 10•June•2021