Page 9 - DMEA Week 23 2021
P. 9

DMEA                                  FINANCE & INVESTMENT                                            DMEA

       Savannah in talks to buy ExxonMobil

       assets in Chad, Cameroon

        AFRICA           UK-BASED Savannah Energy is looking to  talks with ExxonMobil or sign an agreement.
                         acquire a package of upstream and midstream  It did stress, though, that the proposal was still
                         assets in Chad and Cameroon from ExxonMo-  under discussion and that the parties had not yet
                         bil (US). In a statement dated June 2, Savannah  reached an agreement.
                         reported that it was in “advanced exclusive dis-  The Doba oil project encompasses the
                         cussions” with the US super-major on a proposal  Bolobo, Komé, Maikeri, Miandoum, Moun-
                         for the acquisition of a 40% equity stake in the  douli, Nya and Timbré fields in Chad’s Logone
                         Doba oil project in Chad and an effective 40%  Oriental region.
                         interest in the Chad-Cameroon oil pipeline.   Together, these fields yielded 33,700 barrels
                         These assets constitute ExxonMobil’s entire port-  per day (bpd) of oil on average in 2020. They are
                         folio in the two countries, it noted.  served by the Chad-Cameroon pipeline, which
                           The statement did not reveal how much  follows a 1,070-km route from south-western
                         Savannah had offered to pay for the stakes. But  Chad to the Kome-Kribi floating storage and
                         it did say that the parties’ discussions concerned  off-loading (FSO) vessel.
                         a proposal that would be classified as a reverse   The pipeline was built by ExxonMobil under a
                         takeover transaction under the rules of the AIM  public-private partnership agreement and began
                         sub-market of the London Stock Exchange  operating in 2003.
                         (LSE).                                 It is operated by Cameroon Oil Transporta-
                           It also noted that both ExxonMobil and its  tion Co. (COTCO) and has a throughput capac-
                         partner Petronas (Malaysia) decided last year to  ity of 225,000 bpd, though it only carried about
                         unload their stakes in the Doba project and the  129,200 bpd last year.
                         Chad-Cameroon link. According to previous   The link is partly owned by Société des
                         reports, the total value of these assets has been  Hydrocarbures du Tchad (SHT), the national oil
                         estimated at around $1bn.            company (NOC) of Chad, which said last year
                           Savannah did not say when it might wrap up  that it wanted to unload its 21% stake.™


       Persian Gulf Star Refinery exports double

        MIDDLE EAST      EXPORTS of petroleum products from Iran’s  undertaken by the National Iranian Oil Refining
                         Persian Gulf Star Refinery (PGSR) increased by  and Distribution Co. (NIORDC) which saw total
                         200% year-over-year in 2020, according to Iran’s  Iranian refining capacity increase from 1.55mn
                         official Shana energy news service.  bpd in 2017 to 2.2mn bpd last year.
                           “It is estimated that 1.6mn tonnes of oil prod-  The launch of the 360,000-barrel-per-day
                         ucts were shipped to international markets in  (bpd) refinery was also central to Iran achieving
                         2020,” refinery director Mohammad Dadvar was  fuel self-sufficiency. Phase 1 was officially inau-
                         quoted as saying.                    gurated in April 2017, with the first shipment of
                           Iran’s gasoline production has roughly dou-  gasoline delivered for distribution two months
                         bled in three years, according to officials, allow-  later.
                         ing the country to become the biggest gasoline   Phase 2 began producing Euro-V gasoline
                         exporter in West Asia.               shortly after its own official launch in Febru-
                           Despite US sanctions and fluctuating oil  ary 2018 and was running at full capacity by
                         prices, driving up gasoline exports remained  June that year. The third phase was inaugurated
                         on the government’s agenda, Dadvar was also  in October 2019, although it had already been
                         reported as saying.                  operational for several months before the official
                           “When there are surplus reserves, they can be  opening.
                         sold through the Iranian Energy Exchange with   Each phase was designed to produce 12mn
                         less difficulty compared to crude oil,” Dadvar  litres per day (lpd) of Euro 5 gasoline, plus 4.5mn
                         added.                               lpd of Euro 4 standard diesel, 1mn lpd of kero-
                           PGSR is the largest in a significant project  sene and 300,000 lpd of LPG.™

       Week 23   10•June•2021                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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