Page 18 - NorthAmOil Week 43 2020
P. 18

NorthAmOil                                   NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil

                                                                                operations of Dixie Gas & Oil Corporation
                                                                                from the Earhart family,” commented Paul
                                                                                Giambra, president and CEO of Quarles
                                                                                Petroleum. “As family-owned businesses,
                                                                                our companies share the same core values of
                                                                                service to our customers and giving back to
                                                                                community. We look forward to working with
                                                                                Dixie’s associates and welcoming them and
                                                                                Dixie’s customers to the Quarles family.”
                                                                                  Established as the Dixie Bottle Gas
                                                                                Company in 1946 by Dennis Earhart and his
                                                                                father, Roy, the firm initially provided propane
                                                                                cylinder exchange services in the post-World
                                                                                War II housing boom. Now operating as Dixie
                                                                                Gas & Oil Corporation, the company has
                                                                                evolved as a diversified provider of products
                                                                                and services in the areas of propane, heating
                                                                                oils, motor fuels and lubricants, and serves
                                                                                over 10,000 residential customers in 17
                                                                                counties in Central and Western Virginia.
                                                                                  “We believe that Dixie’s customers will be
       which spans DeWitt county to Victoria   the end of next year, as we continue to focus   in great hands with Quarles,” said Christopher
       county, Texas, with 350,000 barrels of above   on de-levering the balance sheet.”  Earhart, the president of Dixie Gas & Oil
       ground storage, two 8 bay truck offload   The Facility is secured by the accounts   Corporation and member of the third-
       stations, and access to two docks at the Port   receivable of EnLink’s subsidiaries. The initial   generation of the Earhart family to own and
       of Victoria. The VEX Pipeline System can   borrowing base under the Facility is $225mn   operate the firm. “Our family has invested 75
       receive crude oil by pipeline and truck, and   and will vary with the value of EnLink’s   years in Dixie, we’re pleased that the Quarles
       has downstream pipeline connections to two   accounts receivable balance. Borrowings   family has a similar history in the industry
       terminals today, with potential for additional   under the Facility bear interest at the Libor   and, as a family-owned firm, understands our
       downstream connection opportunities in   rate plus 162.5 basis points. The Facility,   commitment to our customers.”
       the future. The pipeline system has a current   which matures in October 2023, contains the   QUARLES PETROLEUM, October 26, 2020
       capacity of 90,000 barrels per day.  same maximum leverage ratio as contained in
       ADAMS RESOURCES & ENERGY, October 22,   EnLink’s $1.75bn revolving credit facility due
       2020                                January 2024.                        SERVICES
                                              EnLink continued to generate significant
       EnLink Midstream enhances           free cash flow during the third quarter of   Oceaneering reports third-
                                           2020, resulting in a reduction of net debt by
       financial flexibility with          approximately $145mn. Net debt is calculated   quarter 2020 results
                                           as total debt less cash, excluding cash
       new accounts receivable             contributed by joint venture partners. As of   Oceaneering International today reported
                                                                                a net loss of $79.4mn, or $(0.80) per share,
                                           September 30, pro forma for this financing,
       securitisation facility             borrowings under EnLink’s $1.75bn revolving   on revenue of $440mn for the three months
                                           credit facility are approximately $75mn.
                                                                                ended September 30, 2020. Adjusted net loss
       EnLink Midstream today announced that   ENLINK MIDSTREAM, October 22, 2020  was $17.6mn, or $(0.18) per share, reflecting
       one of its subsidiaries has entered into an                              the impact of $68.7 of pre-tax adjustments
       agreement with PNC Bank for a three-year                                 associated with goodwill impairment, write-
       $250mn accounts receivable financing facility.   DOWNSTREAM              offs of fixed assets, inventory write-downs,
       Proceeds from the facility are expected to                               restructuring expenses, and foreign exchange
       be used to repay outstanding borrowings on   Quarles Petroleum acquires   losses recognized during the quarter and
       EnLink’s revolving credit facility.                                      $6.3mn of discrete tax adjustments.
         “The establishment of this credit facility   Dixie Gas & Oil Corporation  During the prior quarter ended June 30,
       is another great example of the tremendous                               2020, Oceaneering reported a net loss of
       work our team is doing to enhance our   Quarles Petroleum, a regional provider   $24.8mn, or $(0.25) per share, on revenue
       financial flexibility and secure financing at an   of residential and commercial fuels   of $427mn. Adjusted net loss was $14.2mn,
       attractive cost,” said Barry E. Davis, Chairman   headquartered in Fredericksburg, Virginia,   or $(0.14) per share, reflecting the impact of
       and Chief Executive Officer of EnLink. “The   has purchased the propane and petroleum   $9.6mn of pre-tax adjustments associated with
       Facility is an important new component of our  operations of Dixie Gas & Oil Corporation,   restructuring expenses and foreign exchange
       capital structure and financial strategy. When   a third-generation family-owned propane,   losses recognized during the quarter and
       combined with our ample revolver availability   commercial fuels and home heating oil   $3.3mn of discrete tax adjustments.
       and our strong free cash flow generation,   distributor based in Verona, Virginia.  OCEANEERING INTERNATIONAL, October 28,
       the Facility solidly positions us to repay our   “I’m pleased to share the news that Quarles   2020
       $850mn term loan before or at its maturity at   has acquired the propane and petroleum

       P18                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 43   29•October•2020
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