Page 15 - NorthAmOil Week 43 2020
P. 15

NorthAmOil                                       POLICY                                          NorthAmOil

       US approves ConocoPhillips’ NPR-A project

        ALASKA           THE  government of US President Donald  Lowman, told the Associated Press that con-
                         Trump has approved ConocoPhillips’ Willow  struction at Willow could begin next year,
                         project in the National Petroleum Reserve-  after the outstanding regulatory approvals are
                         Alaska (NPR-A).                      granted, while oil production would start about
                           “This decision will make a significant contri-  five years later.
                         bution to keeping oil flowing down the 800-mile   However, the approval has come under fire
                         [1,280-km] Trans Alaska Pipeline decades into  from environmental groups, who have raised
                         the future while delivering federal and state reve-  concerns about the threat Willow could pose
                         nue as well as important impact assistance to the  to the Teshekpuk Lake Special Area. This is a
                         affected native communities,” said US Secretary  wetland complex in the NPR-A, which supports
                         of the Interior David Bernhardt in an October  migratory birds and calving grounds for the
                         27 statement.                        Teshekpuk Lake caribou herd.
                           Under the approved plan, ConocoPhillips   “Administration officials saw an oppor-
                         will be able to produce up to 590mn barrels of  tunity to check off another industry wish-list
                         oil from Willow on a cumulative basis over the  box with the public’s attention diverted by
                         next 30 years. This equates to up to 160,000 bar-  coronavirus [COVID-19], and they took it,”
                         rels per day of oil, with a processing capacity of  the Alaska Wilderness League’s conservation
                         200,000 bpd, according to the US Bureau of Land  director, Kristen Miller, was quoted by state
                         Management – a division of the Department of  media as saying.
                         the Interior (DoI).                    Environmental opposition is a given for
                           The plan allows for up to three drill sites, a  major new oil projects in Alaska, and currently
                         processing facility and gravel roads and pipe-  does not appear likely to derail Willow. However,
                         lines. The BLM said that two further drill sites  ConocoPhillips has said its plans at Willow will
                         and additional roads and pipelines that had also  likely be delayed if Ballot Measure 1 passes in
                         been proposed by ConocoPhillips could be con-  the state on November 3. The measure would
                         sidered at a later date.             increase taxes on ConocoPhillips, as well as Exx-
                           A ConocoPhillips spokeswoman, Natalie  onMobil and Hilcorp.™

       Alberta to end mandatory oil

       production curtailments early

        ALBERTA          THE provincial government of Alberta has  from 22% of the province’s oil output – or
                         announced that it will end mandatory produc-  880,000 bpd – being shut in at the peak of the
                         tion curbs on oil at the start of December, a  production cuts during the worst of this year’s
                         month earlier than previously scheduled.  downturn. Nonetheless, it appears that manda-
                           This comes as Alberta’s production continues  tory curtailments are no longer needed as pro-
                         to be reduced as a result of companies reining in  ducers keep some demand shut in voluntarily.
                         output in response to the coronavirus (COVID-  The Alberta government said it would extend
                         19) pandemic. In August, Alberta’s production  its regulatory authority to curtail oil output until
                         was 3.10mn barrels per day, falling significantly  December 2021, but that it had no plans to
                         below than the 3.81mn bpd curtailment limit.  impose further production limits at this time.
                         And Alberta Minister of Energy Sonya Savage  Alberta’s current forecasts anticipate inventories
                         said in a statement last week that nearly 16% of  remaining low, with sufficient export capacity to
                         the province’s crude output was still offline.  allow the system to operate efficiently on its own
                           This lower level of production has eased con-  well into 2021.
                         gestion on pipelines carrying oil out of Alberta   “Maintaining the stability and predictability
                         – which is what the province’s government had  of Alberta’s resource sector is vital for investor
                         been seeking to achieve through the mandatory  confidence as we navigate the economic con-
                         curtailments prior to the pandemic.  ditions brought on by the pandemic, the com-
                           The government had already been gradually  modity price crisis and the need for pipelines,”
                         easing the curtailments since taking office last  Savage stated. “This purposeful approach serves
                         year, and the current industry downturn, exac-  as an insurance policy, as it will allow Alberta to
                         erbated by COVID-19, has allowed it to speed  respond swiftly if there is a risk of storage reach-
                         up the process.                      ing maximum capacity while enabling industry
                           The current shut-ins mark an improvement  to produce as the free market intended.”™

       Week 43   29•October•2020                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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