Page 12 - NorthAmOil Week 43 2020
P. 12

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

                                                                                                  NextDecade has been
                                                                                                  working on reducing
                                                                                                  emissions from Rio
                                                                                                  Grande for at least the
                                                                                                  last few months, having
                                                                                                  redesigned the terminal.

                         accounts for a mere fraction of French electric-  This has come as the global LNG market has
                         ity – only 0.3% last year.           become increasingly oversupplied, making
                           France’s ban on fracking on its own soil in  competitive advantage all the more important.
                         2017 was symbolic, as the country has barely  In NextDecade’s case, the company hopes that
                         any domestic oil and gas resources. For sev-  dramatically lowering its emissions will make its
                         eral years, lawmakers have called for a ban on  output more attractive in a world that is pivoting
                         fracked imported gas, but this would be very  towards lower-carbon options.
                         hard to implement. Recently the government   A handful of developers globally are also
                         also proposed phasing out state export guaran-  talking up the lower emissions profiles of their
                         tees for all oil projects by 2025 and all gas ven-  facilities. The Royal Dutch Shell-led LNG Can-
                         tures by 2035.                       ada is pursuing a similar goal, and plans for its
                                                              emissions to be 35% lower than the world’s best
                         Lowering emissions                   performing facilities and 60% lower than the
                         It is unclear whether there is any connection  global weighted average among already opera-
                         between French actions and an announcement  tional facilities. And another net-zero emissions
                         by NextDecade on October 6 that it would strive  project is potentially on the table in the US. G2   Cutting direct
                         to reduce anticipated CO2 emissions at Rio  Net-Zero LNG, launched earlier this year, is
                         Grande by 90% using carbon capture and stor-  proposing an $11bn project in Louisiana to liq-  emissions –
                         age (CCS) technology and other processes. The  uefy and export natural gas, as well as producing   known as Scope
                         company said it was also exploring options to  industrial gases, with net zero greenhouse gas
                         address the remaining 10%.           (GHG) emissions from 2026.             1 emissions
                           What is known, however, is that NextDecade   Like NextDecade, G2 Net-Zero LNG is pro-
                         has been working on reducing emissions from  posing a CCS component to its project. And   – from a given
                         Rio Grande for at least the last few months. Prior  the two companies are not alone in turning to
                         to the latest announcement, the company said in  CCS alongside liquefaction. State-owned Qatar   liquefaction
                         July that it had redesigned Rio Grande to com-  Petroleum (QP) is also building a CCS facility   facility may not
                         prise more efficient trains that would result in  alongside its expansion of liquefaction capacity,
                         lower CO2 emissions.                 while such a facility already exists at Chevron’s   be enough.
                           The new plan envisaged five trains instead of  Gorgon LNG project in Australia. The project’s
                         six, still producing a combined 27mn tpy but  start-up was significantly delayed as a result of
                         resulting in 21% fewer CO2 emissions. This has  technical challenges but it has stored more than
                         since been superseded by the latest proposal,  3mn tonnes of CO2 to date.
                         which aims for carbon neutrality. However, it   However, the reported delay in Engie’s
                         illustrates ongoing efforts by NextDecade to  deal with NextDecade illustrates that cutting
                         gain a competitive edge by positioning itself as  direct emissions – known as Scope 1 emis-
                         a low-emissions – or no-emissions – producer  sions – from a given liquefaction facility may
                         of LNG.                              not be enough.™

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 43   29•October•2020
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