Page 8 - NorthAmOil Week 43 2020
P. 8

NorthAmOil                                          NRG                                           NorthAmOil

                         once output restrictions imposed by the OPEC+  gas deal in nearly four years based on enterprise
                         group have been lifted.              value, and it comes as consolidation picks up
                           Lukoil Mid-East’s managing director Egor  in both the US and Canada. More stock-based
                         Zubarev said that the company had intended to  deals with low premiums are expected.
                         increase output at the supergiant West Qurna-2   For Cenovus, the third-largest Canadian
                         field by 80,000 bpd, but it has actually cut pro-  producer by output, the merger will narrow
                         duction by 120,000 bpd in accordance with a  the gap with top producers Canadian Natural
                         request form the Iraqi oil ministry.  Resources Ltd (CNRL) and Suncor Energy. Sep-
                           In Iran, a group of Indian developers have  arately, the provincial government of Alberta   Alberta’s
                         finally lost out on the Farzad-B gas field,  has announced that it will end mandatory pro-
                         which has now been awarded to local firm  duction curbs at the start of December, a month   production
                         PetroPars, a subsidiary of the National Iranian  earlier than previously scheduled.   continues to
                         Oil Co. (NIOC). Tehran had previously issued   This comes as Alberta’s production continues
                         numerous ultimatums to the group to make  to be reduced as a result of companies reining in   be reduced
                         progress.                            output in response to the coronavirus (COVID-
                           The US, meanwhile, announced a new raft   19) pandemic. Alberta Minister of Energy Sonya   as a result of
                         of sanctions on Iran, its Oil Ministry, NIOC and  Savage said nearly 16% of the province’s crude
                         others in a move appearing to be more about the  output was currently offline.   companies
                         look than the substance as President Donald   This, in turn, has eased congestion on pipe-  reining in output
                         Trump prepares for the upcoming election.  lines carrying oil out of Alberta – which is what
                                                              the province’s government had been seeking to   in response to
                         If you’d like to read more about the key events   achieve through the mandatory curtailments
                         shaping the Middle East’s oil and gas sector then   prior to the pandemic.    COVID.
                         please click here for NewsBase’s MEOG Monitor .  The government had already been gradually
                                                              easing the curtailments since taking office last
                         Consolidation in Canada as Alberta pre-  year, and the latest industry downturn, exacer-
                         pares to end cuts                    bated by COVID-19, has allowed it to speed up
                         It has been an eventful few days for Canada’s oil  the process.
                         and gas industry. A new merger involving two   The current shut-ins mark an improve-
                         major Canadian producers was announced  ment from 22% of the province’s oil output – or
                         this week. Cenovus Energy has struck a deal to  880,000 barrels per day (bpd) – being shut in at
                         acquire Husky Energy for CAD3.8bn (2.9bn), or  the peak of the production cuts during the worst
                         CAD10.2bn ($7.7bn) including the assumption  of this year’s downturn. Nonetheless, it appears
                         of debt. (See: Consolidation continues with Cana-  that mandatory curtailments are no longer
                         dian mega-merger, page 9)            needed as producers keep some demand shut
                           This makes it the largest Canadian oil and  in voluntarily.™

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 43   29•October•2020
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