Page 10 - NorthAmOil Week 43 2020
P. 10

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

                                                                                                  Construction on Husky’s
                                                                                                  stalled West White
                                                                                                  Rose extension project
                                                                                                  offshore Newfoundland
                                                                                                  and Labrador will not
                                                                                                  resume in 2021and its
                                                                                                  fate remains uncertain.

                         had long been an idea that investment bank-  project is key to extending the life of the White
                         ers had been pitching, as it matches Cenovus’  Rose field,” the statement said. “As we have said
                         Alberta heavy oil production to Husky’s Mid-  before, all options are on the table and accelerat-
                         west refineries.                     ing abandonment remains a possibility.”
                           Husky is currently is owned by Hong Kong   Husky stopped construction on the fixed
                         billionaire Li Ka-Shing through Hutchison  wellhead drilling platform for West White Rose
                         Whampoa Europe Investments, which owns  in March, during the worst of the first global
                         a 40.1% stake in the company, and LF Invest-  wave of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pan-
                         ments, which holds 29.32% of Husky’s com-  demic. At the time, the company said construc-
                         mon shares. The entities, which have agreed to  tion would remain suspended for the remainder
                         support the transaction, will own about 27.2%  of 2020. It subsequently said that it would review
                         of the merged company once Cenovus has  the project as a result of reprioritising its capital
                         absorbed Husky.                      in the wake of the industry downturn, which
                                                              was severely exacerbated by the pandemic.
                         Next steps                            Husky asked the Newfoundland and Labra-
                         Some of the implications of the merger in terms  dor and federal Canadian governments to buy
                         of the combined company’s operations have  equity stakes in West White Rose in a bid to
                         already been disclosed. On October 27, CBC  save the project, but both levels of government
                         News confirmed that up to 25% of the combined  rejected the request. However, Newfoundland
                         company’s workforce would be cut.    and Labrador already owns a 5% stake in the
                           “The estimate is that the reductions will be  project through Nalcor, its provincial energy
                         approximately 20% to 25% of the combined  corporation.
                         workforce, which is about 8,600 employees and   The project is around 60% complete, but
                         contractors,” Cenovus’ senior media advisor,  Husky has said it would not add debt to its bal-  Up to 25% of
                         Reg Curren, told CBC News. Around 1,720-  ance sheet in order to fund the remainder. How
                         2,150 positions are expected to be cut in Cal-  Cenovus will treat the project is not known, but   the combined
                         gary, where both firms are headquartered.  CBC News cited sources as suggesting a range   company’s
                           “As with any merger of this type, there will  of possible scenarios. These include a sale of
                         be overlap and there will be some difficult deci-  Husky assets in Newfoundland and Labrador,   workforce would
                         sions as we work to create a combined organ-  which also includes a 35% equity stake in the
                         isation best positioned for the future,” Husky’s  prolific Bay du Nord discoveries in the Flemish   be cut.
                         communications manager, Kim Guttormson,  Pass Basin.
                         told CBC News.                        Husky is also still hoping that federal aid
                           Separately, CBC News reported this week  funding aimed at supporting offshore workers
                         that construction on Husky’s stalled West White  following the downturn can be used to revive
                         Rose extension project offshore Newfoundland  West White Rose. The company said discussions
                         and Labrador would not resume in 2021.  on the matter with the Canadian government
                           “The 2021 construction season has been can-  were continuing.
                         celled,” a Husky official told the news service.  Trade and labour groups in Newfoundland
                           In an additional statement, Husky said that  and Labrador have voiced concerns over the
                         following the closing of the merger, there would  cost cuts that the combined company will seek
                         be an additional review of all of the combined  to make after the merger is completed, however.
                         company’s assets.                    Given how hesitant oil companies have become
                           “Regarding Husky’s Newfoundland and  to make major capital outlays, their concerns
                         Labrador operations, the [West White Rose]  could prove to be justified.™

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 43   29•October•2020
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