Page 9 - NorthAmOil Week 43 2020
P. 9

NorthAmOil                                   COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       Consolidation continues with

       Canadian mega-merger

       Canada’s Cenovus Energy and Husky Energy have agreed to combine in the

       latest major North American oil and gas deal

        CANADA           THE shale patch has been dominating headlines  warrants, the premium is 23%.
                         on North American oil and gas consolidation   The combined company will have production
       WHAT:             recently, but this week the spotlight was on Can-  of around 750,000 barrels of oil equivalent per
       Cenovus and Husky have   ada after Cenovus Energy announced on Octo-  day, with Husky contributing 275,000 boepd
       agreed to a merger that   ber 25 that it had agreed to merge with Husky  to Cenovus’ 475,000 boepd. It will also have
       will create a company   Energy.                        upgrading and refining capacity of 660,000
       worth CAD23.6bn     The deal will see Cenovus acquire Husky for  boepd, thanks to the addition of Husky’s
       ($17.7bn).        CAD3.8bn (2.9bn), or CAD10.2bn ($7.7bn)  410,000 boepd to Cenovus’ 250,000 boepd.
                         including the assumption of debt, to cre-  The companies anticipate achieving
       WHY:              ate a company with an enterprise value of  CAD1.2bn ($902mn) worth of annual syner-
       Oil companies are   CAD23.6bn ($17.7bn). This will help Ceno-  gies, mostly within the first year of combined
       increasingly turning to   vus – the third-largest Canadian producer by  operations, and the remainder within the sec-
       consolidation to boost   output – to narrow the gap with top producers  ond year. Around 50% of this will consist of
       their performance in a   Canadian Natural Resources Ltd (CNRL) and  annual corporate and operating synergies and
       difficult market.  Suncor Energy.                      the other 50% of annual capital allocation syner-
                           The transaction is anticipated to close in the  gies, which the companies said would be achiev-
       WHAT NEXT:        first quarter of 2021.               able independently of commodity prices.
       Husky has confirmed that                                “We will be a leaner, stronger and more
       stalled work on its West   Canadian giant              integrated company, exceptionally well-suited
       White Rose project will   The deal is the largest Canadian oil and gas deal  to weather the current environment and be
       not resume in 2021.  in nearly four years based on enterprise value.  a strong Canadian energy leader in the years
                         Under the terms of the agreement, Husky share-  ahead,” said Cenovus’s CEO, Alex Pourbaix.
                         holders will receive 0.7845 of a Cenovus share  He added that the combination would result in
                         plus 0.0651 of a Cenovus share purchase warrant  “significantly reduced” exposure to market vola-
                         in exchange for each Husky common share. This  tility, while Husky’s CEO, Rob Peabody, said the
                         represents a 21% premium, excluding warrants,  deal would allow the combined companies to
                         relative to Husky’s five-day volume-weighted  “make better returns in a tougher environment”.
                         average price per share on October 23, the   An SAF Group principal, Dan Tsubouchi, was
                         companies said in a statement. Including the  quoted by Reuters as saying the combination

                                                                                                  The merger will help
                                                                                                  Cenovus to narrow the
                                                                                                  gap with top producers
                                                                                                  Canadian Natural
                                                                                                  Resources Ltd (CNRL)
                                                                                                  and Suncor Energy.

       Week 43   29•October•2020                www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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