Page 8 - EurOil Week 36 2022
P. 8

EurOil                                 PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                           EurOil

                         and other equipment used at the compressor  the lifespan of two of the three more plants it was
                         station. But Gazprom cancelled the restart, cit-  due to close at the end of 2022 until at least next
                         ing an oil leak at the last remaining turbine still  spring.
                         in operation. The Russian company has blamed   Meanwhile, the already-high cost of Europe’s
                         sanctions for preventing the repair of this equip-  third main source of baseload power supply, coal,
                         ment and said the pipeline would remain closed  has been inflated by the significant expense of
                         as long as it takes to carry out the necessary work.  carbon permits under the EU Emissions Trading
                           “Siemens is taking part in repair work in  System. However, coal supplies to Europe have
                         accordance with the current contract, is detect-  been curtailed after the sixth package of sanc-
                         ing malfunctions … and is ready to fix the oil  tions banning Russian coal deliveries to Europe
                         leaks,” Gazprom added in a second Telegram  came into force on August 10.
                         post on September 3. “Only there is nowhere to   Performance at wind and solar power plants
                         do the repair.” According to the German com-  over the last few months has also been weaker
                         pany, though, such an oil leak would not usually  than usual for the time of year, and with Europe
                         affect the operation of a turbine and could be  now entering the colder half of the year, solar
                         fixed on site.                       output typically diminishes anyway. Meanwhile,
                           “Irrespective of this, we have already pointed  hydroelectric power supply particularly in Nor-
                         out several times that there are enough addi-  way has been hindered by low water levels caused
                         tional turbines available in the Portovaya com-  by the summer drought. The combination of all
                         pressor station for Nord Stream 1 to operate,” a  these blows has been called a “perfect storm” for
                         Siemens spokesperson told Reuters. The station  Europe’s energy system by some analysts.
                         reportedly has four spare turbines on site in case
                         of problems, but none of these have reportedly  Rising discontent
                         been used to replace the faulty turbines.  If the EU fails to curb consumption in a planned
                           The EU managed at the end of August 30 to  way, the result could be blackouts and further
                         successfully fill its gas storage facilities to 80% of  spikes in energy costs this winter. This could
                         capacity – two months ahead of its target. But the  trigger further unrest among the public, already
                         indefinite closure, and the risk of a further reduc-  greatly disconcerted by soaring energy bills.
                         tion in Russian supply, raises the risk that this still   Protests against the energy crisis are sweeping
                         may not be enough to get Europe through winter,  Europe. On September 3, an estimated 70,000
                         especially if it proves to be a harsh one.  people took to the streets of Prague to demand
                           Russian gas supply in Europe already plum-  that the ruling coalition do more to control
                         meted to a record low in August of 3.4bn cubic  energy costs, and the protesters also voiced
                         metres, down 7% from the previous record low  opposition to both Nato and EU, viewing the
                         set in July. The remaining Russian gas will be  present situation as a consequence of Western
                         extremely difficult to replace, with global LNG  sanctions against Russia. Germany is bracing
                         production already maxing out and limited other  itself for similar unrest. There were also protests
                         alternatives on the table. The result will be fur-  in Cologne over the weekend when tens of thou-
                         ther demand destruction as energy-intensive  sands of pro-Russia demonstrators marched
                         industries curtail output.           to complain about the rising cost of living and
                           The EU called for a voluntary 15% cut in gas  called for an end to Berlin’s support of Ukraine.
                         consumption in July across all sectors between  Polls show most Germans are dissatisfied with
                         last month and the end of the coming winter, to  Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s government.
                         ease the economic pain. But there are limits to   This is of course the outcome that Russian
                         how much Brussels can enforce such reductions  President Vladimir Putin desired. A wave of
                         in the event of an emergency. Originally the  outrage against Russia’s invasion and sympathy
                         EU proposed a mandatory 15% cut, but Brus-  towards Ukraine swept Europe earlier this year.
                         sels backed off after several countries rebelled.  But by throttling energy supply to Europe, Mos-
                         After negotiations with the European Council,  cow is pressing European leaders to make con-
                         the final legislation approved in early August  cessions in the Ukraine conflict, or risk being
                         was extensively watered down. The decision to  ousted in elections by an increasingly bitter
                         enforce reductions in gas use can only be made  public. Some governments have tried to quell
                         with the approval of member states. And many  the anger by introducing caps on energy prices
                         of those member states will be able to secure  to the public, but there is a limit to how much
                         exemptions, including the Baltic States, Cyprus,  support can be maintained against the damage
                         Ireland, Malta, Portugal and Spain.  that the energy crisis is inflicting to economies
                                                              and government budgets.
                         Perfect energy storm                   Europe has already spent an estimated
                         Critically, there are constraints on how much  $278bn in support and relief measures as a result
                         Europe can rely on alternative sources to gas  of the war, but that cost is expected to more than
                         supply. France has been struggling with an  double as the weather gets colder. Italy is one of
                         unusually high number of outages at its nuclear  the most exposed to Russian energy of all the
                         power plants (NPPs), and Germany shut down  European countries and the economic minister
                         4.2 GW of its own atomic energy capacity at  said at the weekend that Rome has already spent
                         the end of last year. Fortunately, energy system  €54bn on relief but expects that sum to rise to
                         stress tests carried out by the government last  €100bn by the end of the year, with more spend-
                         week concluded that the country should extend  ing to come in the first half of next year. ™

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 36   10•September•2022
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