Page 9 - EurOil Week 36 2022
P. 9
EurOil EurOil
Moldova is negotiating gas supplies
with Azerbaijan, Romania
MOLDOVA ACCORDING to Deputy Prime Minister He added that the formula for calculating gas
of Moldova, Minister of Infrastructure and prices, which the government is discussing with
Moldova relies Regional Development Andrei Spinu, Mol- Azerbaijan, is more profitable in the summer
practically entirely on dova is negotiating gas supplies with Azerbai- than the formula that the previous government,
Russian gas. jan and Romania, who spoke on television on 7 headed by ex-premier Ion Chicu reached with
September. Gazprom. "Chicu is now criticizing gas prices.
"The Moldovans have a saying: don't put When the situation with gas is being discussed
all your eggs in one basket. The essence of this with such pathos now, take it and see what for-
saying is that after 30 years of independence, mula the old contract was signed with. It is easy
we depend on one energy source. This situation to engage in populism, to say that we had the best
must be changed, which is what we are trying to price when the purchase price for gas was $100.
do now," Spinu said while answering journal- And a completely different situation, when the
ists' questions about the conditions of supplies. price of $2000," Spinu said.
"Operators from both countries offer good gas Moldovagaz and Gazprom signed a five-year
prices without placing any conditions on Mol- contract for the supply of gas, which entered into
dova," Spinu said. force on November 1, 2021. After signing the
"We would like to sign a long-term contract document, tariffs for consumers were brought
for 10-15 years. While discussions are under- into line with its terms, increasing by 240%. Tar-
way, there are many nuances. However, it is not iffs were raised by another 40% from January
known when it will be possible to sign contracts 1, by another 30% from June 1, and by another
for gas supplies. We would like it as soon as pos- 25% from August 15. The price of gas supplied by
sible. There are no requirements and conditions, Gazprom for Moldova was $450 per 1000 cubic
and I repeat: we have never agreed to conditions, meters in November 2021. It rose to $1883 in
especially political ones," the Deputy PM said. September 2022.
Week 36 10•September•2022 www. NEWSBASE .com P9