Page 13 - DMEA Week 27 2022
P. 13

DMEA                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                              DMEA

       POLICY                              REFINING                             are not being tapped into just because of the
                                                                                nature of gas.
       UK sanctions Iranian                ND Western to take FID on            should invest to take gas to all the industrial
                                                                                  “It does make sense that the government
       petrochemical firms tied to  10,000bpd refinery                          hubs in Nigeria.
                                                                                  “The Ajaokuta-Kaduna-Kano pipeline
       Asia                                An indigenous oil and gas company, ND   is an excellent gas project to take gas to the
                                                                                north, but if you think about it, there’s already
                                           Western Ltd, says it is getting ready to take
       The UK’s Treasury Department said this   the Final Investment Decision on its 10,000   demand centres in the east for which the
       week that it has sanctioned a group of front   barrels per day refinery in Uturogu, Delta   government needs to support putting gas
       companies and individuals tied to the sale   State.                      pipelines toward that axis.
       and shipment of Iranian petroleum and   The Managing Director, ND Western Ltd,   “It is absolutely important that for Nigeria
       petrochemical products to East Asia.  Mr Eberechukwu Oji, made the disclosure   to industrialise. We have to utilise the
         Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control   while speaking with newsmen on the sidelines   resources we have which is gas and make it
       imposed the sanctions on several companies,   of the 2022 Nigeria Oil and Gas conference   available to all the capital cities in the country.”
       including Iran-based Jam Petrochemical Co.,   and exhibition on Wednesday in Abuja.  NAN
       which has exported hundreds of millions   Oji said the front-end engineering &
       of dollars worth of products to countries   design for the project which was a Joint   MHI, Egypt’s ANRPC eye H2
       throughout Asia, including China.   Venture with the Nigerian National Petroleum
         The administration uses an August 2018   Corp. had been completed.     use in oil refining
       executive order signed by then-President   “We’re getting ready for the FID. Now you
       Donald Trump as its authority to impose the   have to understand that before you take FID   Japanese engineering firm Mitsubishi Heavy
       sanctions.                          on a project, a number of things needs to be   Industry (MHI) and Egypt’s Alexandria
         The order addresses “threats posed by Iran,   ready,” he said.         National Refining and Petrochemicals
       including Iran’s proliferation and development   He said issues such as finance and off   (ANRPC) plan to introduce hydrogen into the
       of missiles and other asymmetric and   takers of the refined petroleum products must   oil refining process at ANRPC’s refineries to
       conventional weapons capabilities, its network   be addressed before the board approves the   cut CO2 emissions.
       and campaign of regional aggression,” and   FID.                           MHI has signed an agreement with
       other issues.                         On gas development in Nigeria, Oji called   ANRPC in early June on the hydrogen
         Brian E. Nelson, Treasury’s undersecretary   on the Federal Government to work with the   introduction. MHI will convert the existing
       for terrorism and financial intelligence, said in   private sector in transforming Nigeria into an   boiler at ANRPC’s refinery that currently
       a statement that while the U.S. “is committed   industrialised country through its abundant   burns fuel oil and natural gas into one that
       to achieving an agreement with Iran that seeks   natural gas resources.  utilises natural gas and hydrogen, with a
       a mutual return” to the Iran nuclear deal,   He said, “I think that we have the   steam capacity of 100 t/hour.
       “we will continue to use all our authorities   opportunity to do so with gas because gas   By-product hydrogen produced at a
       to enforce sanctions on the sale of Iranian   have a lot of options around it and gas solves   catalyst reformer unit during the oil refining
       petroleum and petrochemicals.”      some of the problems that we spoke about in   process will be utilised at the boiler, which
       THE INDEPENDENT                     the panel.                           is currently burned at a flare stack. MHI
                                             “So today, crude oil pipelines get tapped   and ANPRC are targeting 100pc hydrogen
                                           into and get disrupted but the gas pipelines   burning at the boiler by the end of 2023.

       Week 27   07•July•2022                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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