Page 14 - DMEA Week 27 2022
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The companies expect the project to reduce managed by Seef Properties. in nearby areas; which will accommodate
ANPRC’s carbon emissions by 22,000 t/yr, “At Diyar Al Muharraq, we maintain a different types of fuel including Super,
contributing to Egypt’s sustainable energy keen focus on offering a variety of services Mumtaz, Jayyid and Diesel, in addition to
strategy, MHI said. ANRPC’s gasoline supply and facilities that effectively meet the needs providing various complementary services,”
makes up 30pc of Egypt’s total domestic of our residents and visitors alike. We strive he noted.
consumption, MHI added. to elevate their daily lives by providing an “The station will also help enhance
ARGUS integrated community that includes all of residents’ amenities while relieving pressure
the lifestyle requirements of today’s day-and- on other gas stations in the surrounding area.
age,” said the CEO Engineer Ahmed Ali Al We will continue to meet the needs of the
FUELS Ammadi at the signing ceremony held in the Kingdom’s citizens, residents and visitors;
company headquarters. with strategically located petrol stations that
Bapco Tazweed to build first Shirawi, Chairman of the Board of Directors they can easily access, wherever they are,” he
It was attended by Engineer Jassim Al
petrol station at Diyar Al at Bapco Tazweed, Engineer Khalid Al city in the Kingdom, offering a variety of
Diyar Al Muharraq is the largest integrated
Tayyar, General Manager of Bapco Tazweed,
Muharraq in addition to a number of key officials and housing solutions and a luxurious modern
lifestyle, all while persevering the core
Diyar Al Muharraq, a leading real estate “We are pleased to be partnering with family values of the Bahraini society. It
development company in Bahrain, signed Bapco Tazweed to build the city’s first petrol offers a unique, balanced mix of residential,
an agreement with Bapco Tazweed, the station, which will be a key addition to Diyar commercial, recreational, and healthcare
local provider of petroleum products and Al Muharraq’s line-up of facilities, strategically facilities, creating a fully integrated and
complementary services in the kingdom, located to provide facilitated access to all parts futuristic model city.
to build the first petrol station within its of the city,” stated Al Ammadi. TRADE ARABIA
upcoming integrated city. “This comes in line with our aim to create
The petrol station will be spread over a a future ready-fully integrated city in order to Liberia faces fuel shortage
4,000 sq m area, located in close proximity to contribute to further diversifying the National
Souq Al Baraha and overlooking Marassi Al economy in line with the achievements of the amid claims of missing
Bahrain. 2030 Vision,” he added.
The new station, which will have 6 petrol Al Shirawi said the agreement marks a diesel
pumps, can serve 12 vehicles at one time; in distinguished moment in the history of the
addition to various other facilities including company as it is a firm step towards our There is a stock accounting problem at the
an automobile service station, as well as a company’s goal to work in close cooperation Liberia Petroleum Refining Company (LPRC)
number of retail stores and ATMs; designed to with the private sector in order to develop and which could plunge the country into another
provide integrated services to all visitors. build gas stations in line with the directives petroleum crisis if not immediately addressed.
The station represents a key addition to the of His Highness Sheikh Nasser bin Hamad According to reports, the stock of
wide range of services and facilities provided Al Khalifa, Representative of His Majesty petroleum products recorded on the books of
by the recently-completed Souq Al Baraha the King for Humanitarian Work and Youth LPRC is far above the actual product in the
project to the residents and visitors of the Affairs, Chairman of Nogaholding, and storage facilities.
community, said the statement from Diyar Al support of Dr Mohammed bin Mubarak bin This situation is similar to what led to
Muharraq. Dainah, Minister of Oil and Environment, to the massive shortage experienced in 2020
Souq Al Baraha includes commercial and continue to boost investments in oil and gas which lasted for almost a month as a result of
recreational facilities within a traditional sectors in the kingdom.” incorrect fuel reserve figures.
atmosphere embodying the authentic He also lauded the management at Souq Al Over the past week, there have been
Bahraini heritage, it stated. Baraha for their cooperation in pursuing this reports of about 1.5 million gallons of
Since Ramadan, Souq Al Baraha has key project. automotive gasoline oil (AGO) belonging
welcomed the visitors in a soft opening to Al Tayyar said the Bapco Tazweed move to Petro Trade not being available in storage
enjoy shopping in stores and shops owned by comes in line with its aim to establish petrol tanks though LPRC’s reconciliation of stock
distinguished brands from Bahrain and the stations across all areas in the kingdom. “This on the books as of June 17, indicated that
Gulf as well as global trademarks that were petrol station will serve Diyar Al Muharraq’s there is 1,474,576 gallons of AGO. This
attracted to the project which is operated and residents and visitors, as well as those living product, however, is not available to Petro
P14 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 27 07•July•2022