Page 15 - GLNG Week 08 2022
P. 15

GLNG                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                              GLNG

       AFRICA                              they strived to get back on track following   Audubon Engineering
                                           the difficulties caused by the COVID-19
       Shell executive notes               pandemic,” Sawan said in a February 21 press   Company awarded LNG
       ‘progress’ on LNG project in        systems and pursue net-zero emissions   interconnect contract in
                                             “As countries develop lower-carbon energy
       Tanzania                            goals, focusing on cleaner forms of gas and   Louisiana
                                           decarbonisation measures will help LNG to
       Shell has made solid progress with Tanzania’s   remain a reliable and flexible energy source   Audubon Engineering Company has been
       government towards advancing a liquefied   for decades to come,” he said.  awarded a contract to provide engineering
       natural gas (LNG) project to tap the country’s                           and construction management services for a
       huge gas resources, a Shell executive said on                            major greenfield liquefied natural gas (LNG)
       Monday (February 18), Reuters reports.                                   interconnect on the Louisiana Gulf Coast.
         “We have seen some real quick progress   AMERICAS                      Regulated by the Federal Energy Regulatory
       over the last year compared to what had been                             Commission (FERC), this pipeline project will
       much slower progress before,” Shell’s head of   Teekay LNG announces     move between 1.5 and 2.0 Bcf per day of gas
       integrated gas and renewables, Wael Sawan,                               to serve as the main supply of an LNG export
       was quoted as saying.               corporate changes and                facility.
         “We continue to be hopeful that we can                                   Audubon, a global leader in the design,
       take this project all the way through to FID   rebranding to Seapeak     construction, and delivery of LNG production
       (final investment decision),” he said.                                   solutions, successfully completed the front-
         Sawan told reporters that some fiscal   Seapeak (formerly known as Teekay   end engineering in 2021. Under this new
       disputes “have now been resolved”, paving the   LNG Partners) announces the following   contract, Audubon will provide detailed
       way for the development of Tanzania’s vast   organisational updates.     engineering and design of a transmission
       offshore gas resources after years of delays in   Effective on February 25, 2022, Teekay   pipeline and associated infrastructure to
       government licensing agreements.    LNG Partners (TGP) has converted from a   provide gas for a major LNG facility.
         Shell operates Block 1 and Block 4 off   limited partnership formed under the laws   Backed by our integrated offshore and
       Tanzania, which hold 16 trillion cubic feet   of the Republic of the Marshall Islands into a   pipeline teams, Audubon is leading the
       (453bn cubic metres) in estimated recoverable   limited liability company formed under the   project from our Louisiana and Texas offices
       gas. It aims to develop an LNG project   laws of the Republic of the Marshall Islands.   in collaboration with FERC, a major LNG
       together with Norway’s Equinor, which also   Under Marshall Islands law, the conversion is   export company, and a major interstate gas
       operates Block 2, which holds more than 20   deemed to be a continuation of the existence   transmission company.
       tcf (566 bcm) of gas and in which ExxonMobil   of TGP (in its prior partnership form), but   Dave Beck, managing partner at Audubon
       also has a stake.                   now in the form of a Marshall Islands limited   Engineering Company, said: “We look
         According to Shell’s latest annual LNG   liability company. Accordingly, all of the rights   forward to bringing our project execution
       Outlook, the global trade in LNG increased   and liabilities of TGP (in its prior partnership   capabilities and extensive LNG track record to
       6% to 380mn tonnes during 2021 as many   form) are automatically vested in Seapeak.  this project. LNG is an important component
       countries rebounded from the economic   Concurrent with the conversion, effective   of our energy transition strategy, and we are
       impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19)   on February 25, 2022, TGP has changed its   proud to leverage our expertise to support the
       pandemic.                           name from “Teekay LNG Partners LP” to   operation.”
         “Last year showed just how crucial gas   “Seapeak LLC”.                AUDUBON ENGINEERING COMPANY, February
       and LNG are in providing communities   SEAPEAK, February 25, 2022        23, 2022
       around the world with energy they need as
                                                                                Tellurian reports 2021


                                                                                Tellurian ended 2021 with over $300mn in
                                                                                liquidity and over $360mn in standardised
                                                                                measure of discounted future net cash flows
                                                                                of proved natural gas reserves. Tellurian also
                                                                                continued advancing the Driftwood LNG
                                                                                project in 2021 with the following significant
                                                                                  Completed Driftwood LNG phase
                                                                                one liquefied natural gas (LNG) sales and
                                                                                purchase agreements (SPAs) totaling ninemn
                                                                                tonnes per annum (mtpa);
                                                                                  Executed long-term ground lease
                                                                                agreement with the Lake Charles Harbor
                                                                                and Terminal district and began owner
                                                                                construction projects;

       Week 08   25•February•2022               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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